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Report - Cheadle Royal Asylum/Hospital UK

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
(First post so no hate if this all uploads wrong please)

History of the place:
Cheadle Royal Hospital, originally the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum, is a psychiatric hospital on Wilmslow Road in Heald Green, Greater Manchester, England. Built between 1848–1849, the main building is Grade II listed and was designed by Richard Lane in the Elizabethan style.

We had no idea how we were going to gain access but were told to stay clear from the fence bordering the business park and so we walked around the grounds of the still-open hospital and managed to find a really easy way in via a gate. Once beyond this gate we were on the grounds.

Overall it was a really cool explore even though it's virtually an empty shell, still beautiful and fun to venture around!

Will upload pics below, any tips/advice on how to make posts better are appreciated thanks!














Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Great post Thank you.
I've just got back from there, took me half an hour to realise where it was but it was your post that helped me find it.
It really is absolutely destroyed but it's a nice mooch.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah fab glad you managed to find it!
Really cool place isn't it! Shame it's so destroyed but nonetheless still a beautiful place.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I think the lift was about the best bit there lol.

One point I will make is that when I got there it was late afternoon and as soon as I went inside a loud siren went off. It didn't go off until I had made my way to the top floor so I'm guessing 15 mins?
Anyway I decided it wasn't on that site but from over the fence at an industrial unit. No need to panic if you hear it.


Staff member
Crikey it's beyond f00ked now and it's always been in bad shape. Looks like nothing is ever gonna happen here within yet another decade of false promises and pie in the sky ideas! :rolleyes:


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Now I've settled down, looked at my pictures and thought back on the explore I think i actually enjoyed the hunt more than the explore.

Once at the hospital I combed the site but didn't see anything resembling the pics here although I did have a good hour mooching around the outside of all the hospital buildings.
Lovely bowling green and the main building with all those windows deserves to be stared at for at least a little while.

It was only when I had almost given up and gone back to the shade of the car I had another go on Google maps and in the darkness of the car interior only then saw the shadow of the building showing it's rafters. I drove round to that bit and saw the gate straight away, I hadn't seen it before because almost opposite is what seems to be a chunk of the hospital not in use right now. Empty rooms except upturned chairs or the odd table or cabinet here and there, I nearly went in that part but some workmen startled me and I made a careful retreat thus missing the gate a few meters further on over the road lol.

Definatley wouldn't recommend this place for anything more than just somthing to do if your stuck in Cheadle one day, I agree it seems a building full of broken dreams and thwarted plans. I doubt very much will become of it anytime soon, it appears to have been left to demolish itself and a very good go at that it's doing. Although elsewhere on the hospital site some buildings are being renovated.

I particularly liked the fact someone had stolen an acro prop off the top floor leaving the other in place so there's a load planks dagourusly hanging down with the roof/floor above it resting on them, one day that will fall and half that end will get pulled with it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha yeah we thought we found it when we were at the side of the Priary because there was a building that looked messed up but no field like in pictures so we thought that couldn't be it. We just carried on around the entire site and when we saw the gate with a 'broken' entry at the side we knew that had to have been it.

I actually really enjoyed my time here even though like you said there's not much left. Bottom floor is definitely the best as it still has 'rooms' plus the added darkness of it even in the day time is cool.

Well glad you were able to find it! Look forward to seeing your pics!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I only took a few of the outside i just videoed the rest to show my mate, I hadn't planned on making a post but I'll add them here if you want to see them. I only use my phone so nothing ground breaking, I just use them for my own memories normally lol.










28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha same as me, I'm stuck with a shitty iPhone 6 camera because student life is a poor life!

You got some really cool shots of the outside though, I found it difficult getting the entire building to fit on my phone screen without it looking too low-quality haha. Thanks for sharing!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha, I used to have a friend who was homeless and was staying in there. Madness to see how much it’s decayed over the years..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I still don't know where this place is. had a wonder on google and all I see is a full size hospital is that the place?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
It's just off to the side. Look closely on Google maps and towards the buisness park you will see a building on its own with the rafters showing. It's darker that the other buildings almost as if it's been greyed out.
Following the main entrance road to the hospital you would go down, bear right, follow the road round the hospital almost to the end and it's on the right.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's just off to the side. Look closely on Google maps and towards the buisness park you will see a building on its own with the rafters showing. It's darker that the other buildings almost as if it's been greyed out.
Following the main entrance road to the hospital you would go down, bear right, follow the road round the hospital almost to the end and it's on the right.

thanks for that found it. Just wasent looking in the right place lol.

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