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Chernobyl fundraiser - win a trip to Chernobyl!

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Charlie Tango

28DL Member
28DL Member

Good afternoon all,

As many of you will have already been to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a number of you with myself, you will be aware of the importance of the memorial outside the fire station; ‘To Those Who Saved the World’. What you may not know is that it is in desperate need of repairs and, ideally, renovation. However, the memorial was never officially commissioned. In fact, the authorities initially were against the idea of a memorial at all, as it was felt that those who lost their lives were ‘just doing their job’ and should not be heralded for it. The result of this is that no governing body supported the installation in 1996, and nobody is financially responsible for its upkeep, despite the monument being internationally renowned and visited regularly by tens of thousands of people each year, including every year when government officials and presidents lay their flowers here.

Therefore, we are appealing to anyone who has a spare tenner to help us raise funds for this project. The exciting thing about this fundraiser is that we are in a privileged position to be able to reward every donation €10 with a free entry into a prize draw for a fantastic 6 day trip to Kyiv and the zone, with exclusive content including meetings with people who were residents when the accident happened, liquidators and experts. We will be able to look around the fire station and power plant too. This is an extremely special trip, there are many people working hard to put a really special plan together for it, and many of the agencies involved in trips to the zone are donating their fees and salaries to the fundraiser.

Obviously, the more entries you have, the greater your chances of winning a place. However, if you should make 100 x €10 donations over time, totalling €1000 you will be guaranteed a place on the trip.

The current plan is to have the trip in late summer 2021, by this time we hope the repairs will be well underway.

The link for more information, the trip itinerary and for donations is :

Thanks to the admin for letting me post this.