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Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Having been grabbing extra hours at work I’ve had zero time to explore new places or process past visits! Ive got a couple more explores to upload then probably nothing until the new year....

Chesterfield Railway Tunnel 474yards.

June 1892 saw the arrival of the Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway in Chesterfield, having built a line from its main north-south route at Staveley. Within months, a southern extension was opened to form 'the Chesterfield loop', passing immediately through a straight tunnel of 474 yards which emerged from under Hollis Lane. Towards its southern end was a single full-width ventilation shaft.
The through route was severed in June 1963 but the tunnel continued to serve Hydes Siding until 13th January 1964. By the summer of 1985, its northern portal and 25 yards of brickwork had been cut back to accommodate Chesterfield's new Inner Relief Road. At the south end, the 85-yard section from the shaft to the portal was also lost, with an access ramp constructed for inspection and maintenance purposes.
Today, the southern end remains open, hemmed in by concrete retaining walls. However, without effective drainage, the tunnel is now prone to flooding, the depth of which is reported to reach several feet on occasions. - Forgotten Relics.

Myself and a good friend had already visited Cadeby Tunnel & Crigglestone Tunnel prior to arriving at Chesterfield Tunnel, Having left the car out the way we had to wait ages for a decent quiet patch to climb to wall and drop down the access road into the tunnel portal... didn’t expect houses to be directly opposite the entrance! Once in we got our equipment set up and made our way further into the tunnel although not huge in length it delivered some mega colours and surprisingly a tall bore, central drainage channel still working well some moist patches but nothing serious nothing like we’d been warned of previously. At the far end is now vast amounts of concrete and a vertical shaft for access / ventilation I did climb up to see if it was possible to exit however the grate weighed an absolute ton and it was locked so we grabbed some more shots on the way back through we briefly alerted walkers due to the light painting however they soon got bored and left us alone by this time it was near darkness so we made our exit although this degenerated into a utter farce as it was harder to climb out than in! I had to push my mate over then as I jumped up my tripod fell off my bag so I had to go back for that by the time I managed to get back over the wall a group of 8 or 10 youths werepassing obviously out on the juice so was much amusement by all! Well worth a look if you’ve got an hour or so to spare, Hopefully the images are of interest below...




















Really enjoyed this one definitely one I’ll return to in time, Hope you’ve all enjoyed looking through the images,

Thanks All :D

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