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Report - - Christ Church Air-Raid Shelter, Dover - Oct 2023 | Underground Sites |

Report - Christ Church Air-Raid Shelter, Dover - Oct 2023

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28DL Full Member
Explored with @WilsonTheHuman

I have not really seen this on 28DL but it is out on the web already with a load of other reports, after seeing this place pop up a few times over last week week and I was in over anyway i thought ill check this out
we started of our day in Dover, Exploring the esplanade as @WilsonTheHuman has never been, Once we were done that we headed to Durham tunnels, after a very very interesting entrance, we in the small set-off tunnels, for some reason i thought they were a lot bigger but after doing research on them turns out there more to it but past the block off bits.

It was good exploring them until i dropped my decent touch (you welcome if you ever find it ) in the rocks.

It was good to get out exploring.

Durham Hill Tunnel was part of a tunnel complex but sadly this tunnel got damaged in the war and blocked off from the other set of tunnels ( that are used for different things)

The tunnel was used in WW2, But in mid 1940 it said that the tunnels got damaged by an enemy.

So it said it was originally a small air raid shelter that was for a school, but after the school was demolished it said it would hold up to 180 people







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Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
This isn't Durham hill tunnel. It's Christchurch air raid shelter. Durham hill tunnel is part of the soldiers gone caves and runs from cowgate to Durham hill.


28DL Full Member
This isn't Durham hill tunnel. It's Christchurch air raid shelter. Durham hill tunnel is part of the soldiers gone caves and runs from cowgate to Durham hill.
That fine il lupdate now , i just gone by what the road name was and where they was on durham hill :) but it cool ill update the report now


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good day this, even though my knee was not happy with me after going up that hill lol. RIP to the torch.

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