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Report - - Clare ROC - Suffolk - June 2019 | ROC Posts |

Report - Clare ROC - Suffolk - June 2019

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The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Right guys recently found a gem of a website you guys have probably been using for years...... Subterania Britannica! this website has completely opened my eyes to the amount of cool stuff that can be found local to your area! mainly these are locations of ROC posts but does cover some other military buildings as well as providing pictures and accurate locations! my brother lives in clare village so one day after visiting him on my Todd i made my way to try and find my first ROC post! .... even with the help of the website above it was still hard to find and access this post..... but persistence prevailed and eventually i found the hatch! all be it in some brambles! the door had wire keeping it closed so carefully bent it back round to allow the hatch to open fully! now the pictures from the sub brit site looked good although they were take over 20 years ago if i remember correctly!, i dint expect to find the ROC post anything like that anymore but what came was a really nice surprise! the place looks almost completely untouched and not vandalized! :eek:...... after visiting a few now i can definitely say that is a rarity!.........(i will add those at a later date!).

if the visitors book is anything to go by it looks like maybe 20 or so people have visited in nearly 30 years this place has been out of action! some of you lot will be able to spot your names!

































28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
who does not use subbrit? also cut down the photos ten folds, id say max of 7 for an roc post and thats pushing it

The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
me..... up until a couple of months ago!.... sorry little trigger happy this was my first ROC post i'm not used to finding hatches in the middle of no where haha!

The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
May 2007 seems a while ago now!

12 whole years! I did manage to sign the visitors book.... although it was with a tiny piece of lead from a broken pencil! .

i think what i love about this place is that even though people have evidently been there since it went out of action there's so little vandalism and people have left the paperwork ect for the next ones to read when they came along. I took a piece of government property bog roll and got out! haha


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yup - a few too many pics but wow! Done a few ROC's over the years but nothing as good nick as this. Great work...

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Never done one, but know about Subterranean Britannica . Would like too though. I have to go when I get a driver, due to MS sadly, but I do what I can.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
For someone who's been on this site little over 12 months, not really done FA, you ain't half a bossy SOB.
As I say, in my bio, I can be abit aggressive, I do stuff, I just never feel happy enough with my photos, that's why I'm getting a new camera, i visited at joseph's but I just didn't get the photos i wanted, next year I will get about more, but I mean, I just say what's on my mind, and as hughie said there is probably to many photos for an roc post, I mean it's a good one, but after all it's only one room.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice one - we visited here in 2017 but it was totally inaccessible! Bet you had a job getting to it. Pleased to see some recent pics.

The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice one - we visited here in 2017 but it was totally inaccessible! Bet you had a job getting to it. Pleased to see some recent pics.
i did have a job finding it yet alone getting in, i got pretty muddy and had a couple of scrapes and cuts but once i found it there was no way i was leaving without going in! as they say curiosity killed the cat..... and i;m sure curiosity will be the end of me one day haha!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
i did have a job finding it yet alone getting in, i got pretty muddy and had a couple of scrapes and cuts but once i found it there was no way i was leaving without going in! as they say curiosity killed the cat..... and i;m sure curiosity will be the end of me one day haha!
This was my only pic. Ha!


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