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Report - Clarence High School - Formby - January 2023

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
History - The school was originally built in 1885 as St Annes Industrial School for girls, a residential school run by sister Cecile Robinson and nine sisters of charity. The girls were expected to do knitting, laundry, cookery and needlework as well as general housework on top of their lessons. They made all of their own clothing as well as taking on work from outside the school. The school closed in 1922 and was taken over by St Georges industrial school for boys. Most recently the building has housed Clarence High School, a school for children with social or emotional difficulties. In 2018 it was announced the school would close due to financial difficulties.

Explore - Access to this place is easy, the site is quite large and there's a lot of stuff left. There's some evidence of metal thieves and vandalism but all in all it's not in the worst state. Quite an interesting mooch with some interesting stuff to see.































Thanks for looking.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice shots mate. Supprised it ain't been trashed yet after being whored across all the FB groups


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Nice shots mate. Supprised it ain't been trashed yet after being whored across all the FB groups
Thanks. It's in good nick considering. I'm surprised it hasn't been utterly tourbussed to death yet tbh as it's very easy and has been in the paper.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Lovely looking building this one. Nice coverage. Good report.
Again we see the wastage going on. Those instruments could be donated to a local youth club etc. Makes me mad seeing things like that left to rot.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Lovely looking building this one. Nice coverage. Good report.
Again we see the wastage going on. Those instruments could be donated to a local youth club etc. Makes me mad seeing things like that left to rot.
Cheers, There were a lot more instruments and science equipment lying around, it's a massive waste.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I dragged the drum kit from the storeroom to set it up for a few shots, but realised I couldn’t put it together properly!
I think it’ll get sealed tighter soon, there was evidence of some resealing taking place last week.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Cheers, There were a lot more instruments and science equipment lying around, it's a massive waste.

I attended this school from 1983 to 1988 From 11 to 16. I was a residential pupil across the road from the school building there were four units 2 for boys Scott And Bennett And 2 for The Girls Taylor which was the best because that was my unit and Arrowsmith but They Were Bulldozed A Few Years Ago now there's going to be house's built on that site which is what I think will happen with the school site. I was in care from 3 to 18 but was allowed to leave when I was 16 because I'd been residential for longer than 18 months. Of all the care homes children's homes this was the ONLY place I ever felt loved and cared for. I'm in touch with a lot of ex pupils who are obviously my friends,And from what that building was to the way it is now is really sad to see. It Brought back a lot of happy memories though despite it being vandalised.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
I dragged the drum kit from the storeroom to set it up for a few shots, but realised I couldn’t put it together properly!
I think it’ll get sealed tighter soon, there was evidence of some resealing taking place last week.
I thought it was odd that the drums were on stage!


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
It's interesting to hear from someone who attended the place. Glad to know that it was a nice place and the kids were well looked after, so many of these kind of places have horror stories associated with them. I agree that it probably won't be around for much longer as it's prime house building land.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I dragged the drum kit from the storeroom to set it up for a few shots, but realised I couldn’t put it together properly!

I think it’ll get sealed tighter soon, there was evidence of some resealing taking place last week.

It's interesting to hear from someone who attended the place. Glad to know that it was a nice place and the kids were well looked after, so many of these kind of places have horror stories associated with them. I agree that it probably won't be around for much longer as it's prime house building land.

I don't think they can touch the outside of the building it's grade 1 listed Building. The Units That We Lived in Across The Road Directly Facing The School Was Bulldozed And Sold That's Prime Building Space And Will Have Houses That Cost A Couple Of Million on that land. The unit's were newish buildings nothing like the school building. So they will of made a LOT of Money For That Land. Sad to see it like this spent nearly 6 years here and of all the children's homes I was in and there were a few this is the ONLY place I ever felt loved and cared for.

nice report, visited here couple days ago the place has definetly took a hammering since

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