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Report - Clarkes Jaguar Graveyard, Sussex, Jan 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I used to live in Sussex and have actually been to Clarkes many years ago with my Dad. I was overdue a trip back home and started looking at old places from memory to visit when I found a report about Clarkes and the amount of derelict XJS Jags they had so I was keen to pay a visit. However, on the report was this message left in the comments section;

None of you are welcome or have permission to invade our land or privacy. Due to websites like this we have had criminal damage and thefts from our premises. Some of you may only wish to look and take pictures but please do not turn up without the courtesy of a phone call. CCTV has had to be installed and regular patrols are carried out. I would also like to ask if you will remove these pictures and details of our location from this site. We have started legal proceedings with the latest trespassers who caused criminal damage. We will also be looking to have website content removed.

Unfortunately, Clarkes are not very good at answering the phone, there was also no-one there when I visited and went to the main entrance where the showroom and museum is. So sorry guys, I had a look around but can assure you I certainly did not steal anything or cause any damage, your 'cctv' will show that ;) If I have the money in the future I would rather fancy a classic Jag, I've long been fascinated with them since my Dad had an E Type and later a Sovereign, such a shame these ones are not suitable for restoration, they look like donor vehicles as most have had odds and sods removed.

So on with the photographs, there are over 30 Jags there, a psychedelic old Routemaster, a Buick, Mercedes and a couple of other things.













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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Sure its in the FAQ ,this isnt the place to post over processed shots


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
no need to be rude tho lads

That wasn't rude. If I hadn't read Wevsky's reply, my initial response would have been rude. You say you love classic jags, so why make them look like something that they aren't?

Z20let van

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Always giggle a bit when I see a old bus 20 years ago I’d made myself homeless for a gf and I was going to buy a bus to live in for £600 thought I’d invented the wheel at the time lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There are 2, maybe 3 photographs which I have 'over processed' out of a total of 13. I don't think the reaction given is justified, be helpful, be constructive, don't just throw a sarcastic comment in because you feel you have to, definitely don't come back and say you were going to be ruder, that achieves nothing except to put people off posting if that is the response, it certainly hasn't made me feel like spending the day editing photographs to put up 2 reports was worth it. I am going to re-edit the HDR ones that have caused such a stir and leave it there.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
2 maybe 3,really,ok,fact is we are sarcastic,it is mentioned about the hdr when you join somewhere in the faq you are asked to read,as for sarcasm,welcome to 28dayslater


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been a member on here for quite some time Wevsky, stop being so patronising. If you don't like my photographs go and view another thread that pleases you. You are however, welcome to come and view the original photographs on the SD card so you can see that yes, really, only 2 or 3 were OVER processed, I have now replaced them, happy? No, actually don't answer that and please fix your spacebar ;)


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
See you are getting sarcasm. If you have been a member a while you would know HDR isn't welcome
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
FFS, I can't do anything right can I, HER isn't welcome, so women aren't allowed in now? I can do sarcasm, banter, piss taking etc not a problem, I am well rehearsed in that. Guilty of joining and reading the FAQ as thoroughly as people read IKEA instruction manuals. I won't do it again, but trust me, apart from a bit of sharpening up, a slight crop on a couple and a tweak of saturation (it was a misty dull January morning) the above are not what I would consider over processed now. Opinion? My blood pressure can't handle another f**k up post like this :eek::D


Staff member
FFS, I can't do anything right can I, HER isn't welcome, so women aren't allowed in now? I can do sarcasm, banter, piss taking etc not a problem, I am well rehearsed in that. Guilty of joining and reading the FAQ as thoroughly as people read IKEA instruction manuals. I won't do it again, but trust me, apart from a bit of sharpening up, a slight crop on a couple and a tweak of saturation (it was a misty dull January morning) the above are not what I would consider over processed now. Opinion? My blood pressure can't handle another f**k up post like this :eek::D

Haha, welcome along fella and all good, sounds like you're well versed with expectations already ;) :P


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
FFS, I can't do anything right can I, HER isn't welcome, so women aren't allowed in now? I can do sarcasm, banter, piss taking etc not a problem, I am well rehearsed in that. Guilty of joining and reading the FAQ as thoroughly as people read IKEA instruction manuals. I won't do it again, but trust me, apart from a bit of sharpening up, a slight crop on a couple and a tweak of saturation (it was a misty dull January morning) the above are not what I would consider over processed now. Opinion? My blood pressure can't handle another f**k up post like this :eek::D

Should have read HDR my phone changed it to her..get a grip

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