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Report - - Clifton Fever Hospital - Brighouse - Feb 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Clifton Fever Hospital - Brighouse - Feb 2020

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Clifton Fever Hospital
Brighouse, West Yorkshire
February 2020


In the summer of 1892, Brighouse became a ghost town. Streets were deserted, schools were closed and church attendances drastically plummeted. The reason for the panic was an epidemic of smallpox, the most dreaded of contagious diseases which struck fear into people living across the district.
Starting in Clifton in April, the disease quickly spread to Brighouse, Rastrick, Hipperholme and Southowram throughout the summer months.
Twenty-six people died during the 1892 outbreak and many more were infected. It was considered so serious that a new isolation hospital was built in Clifton: Clifton Fever Hospital.
Opened on the 20th June 1892, it remained in use for medical purposes throughout both wars and was later a residential home before closing in 2008 due to structural issues as well as the presence of overgrowing ivy in the roof.

This was without a doubt the most sketchy explore I have attempted on my own. This place has been very sought after with urban explorers since it was sealed tightly with thick breezeblock 7 years ago, with the last report of the place coming way back in December 2013. Since then, it seems that many have tried and failed to have a wander around inside Clifton Fever Hospital, all walking away disappointed, and guess what.. include me on that list.
That being said, in February 2020, I found the way. I believe that based on this 2020 report, this place is going to get absolutely bombarded with successful explores.
Onto the access. Well, after patrolling recent Yorkshire based explores, I was amazed to see pictures from inside. I was well aware that this place hadn't had any internal shots or activity since 2013, but knew that if someone had been in as recently as two days prior, then there must be a way. I gathered my things and rushed to Brighouse. Upon reaching the former fever hospital, there appeared to be absolutely no signs of access or entry. Use your explorer senses, check everything, try all the potential routes of entry, and you will have success.
Due to the breezeblock sealed every nuke and cranny of this 3 floor building, most of the inside is pitch black. As my good torch was playing up, I had to use a backup one and therefore, some of the pics are a little dark, apologies!
The inside is very derpy due to years of neglect. Wallpaper is clinging by a thread to the walls, the floorboards are rotten, most of the doors have snapped off the hinges. The top floor is succumbing to the Ivy infestation that plagued the building and forced its closure.
What a magnificent waste. There is also a rotting car just outside for a little added extra to the explore.
As I was leaving, I was stopped by a neighbour who lives next door to the decaying Isolation Hospital. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was interested in seeing what used to be a Fever Hospital and fancied a walk. She was super lovely! She even told me abit of history: that it was lastly used as residential flats and it is owned by Pennine Housing, who evicted all the residents which she attributed to ivy growing in the roof and structural damage. She said that she is fed up of nuisance groups of people coming to have a look at the site, especially late at night, and she very much hopes that the building is torn down very soon.






























Thanks for looking.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Always give kudos to a lone explorer. Those gates look foreboding. Nice write up. Shame they modernised the building so much and its trashed, though makes for good decay shots. :thumb

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