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Information - Cotsworld Airport (Kemble)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was a spectacular visit and ill be back often to say the least!!!
Plenty of info to read online etc...
It's the biggest comercial aeroplane salvage/refurb site in Europe, salvaging around 60 aircraft per year plus!!
Jumbo jets, 777s and all sorts.
You can get up so close and can access pretty much the whole area as there is access to the main hangars area and a very well knows restaurant called AV8.
Also access through the south industrial area witch covers most of the south perimeter fencing.
Lucky for me i had the van with me and stood on the roof rack!!
If planes is your thing....get your arse here its a great experience.
Here's some pics, if i see a lot of interest i will put more pics up next time im there.
Pics taken from phone, next time will be from camera.
Hope you enjoy!!


















28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
I mean this an urbex forum not a plane spotting forum I'm sure but if your on airport property that is criminal trespass not the smartest idea.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Juat seeing if any interest as there are airports and abandoned aircraft on here.
No ilegal trespassing


grumpy sod
Regular User
This area isn't part of the used airfield however it may well be covered by airport laws. Kemble is home to the largest aircraft dismantling company in the country and these are all planes set to be dismantled and scrapped, although it doesn't look like any photos are taken from in the compound rather over the fence.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I did my homework before hand!
it's safe and accessible to public if its not suitable here then i can remove it, as you will see i have posted other urbex related stuff on my account


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
This area isn't part of the used airfield however it may well be covered by airport laws. Kemble is home to the largest aircraft dismantling company in the country and these are all planes set to be dismantled and scrapped, although it doesn't look like any photos are taken from in the compound rather over the fence.
Yeah it's not really a report but it's not illegal either as yeah I read that it was on a van so i guess that's true


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If you look at the boundary fence you can see signs which indicate the law under which trespass is a criminal offence. That said it's a defence to say you didn't know it was, if it's not adequately signposted.


Staff member
Thanks for the up to date photos showing what planes are currently here (this is assuming it is very recent?), been meaning to go and have a look as it’s been a good six months since I was here and they change regularly.

I must say however, this place is much better enjoyed from inside the planes ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the up to date photos showing what planes are currently here (this is assuming it is very recent?), been meaning to go and have a look as it’s been a good six months since I was here and they change regularly.

I must say however, this place is much better enjoyed from inside the planes ;)
Yes it was last week!


Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
FAirplay for writing a report, more effort than i put in these days, shots from the fence might be more appreciated on a aeroplane enthusiasts forum though.....

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