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Information - - CREE Q5-WC 1-Mode 230-Lumen | Kit / Clothing / Equipment |

Information - CREE Q5-WC 1-Mode 230-Lumen

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Just a little heads up ..ordered 3 of these torches,first two that turned up i didn't look at as where for me mates when mine turned up i put batts in and within seconds the bulb unit started to flick on and off,then when i unscrewed checked connections the thread on tail cap shredded;so i opened up the other 2 units,one didnt have a battery holder in and after using the one from my now fooked torch it works,didn't play to long as not mine,so in short 3 torches one doesn't work one incomplete and one is fine..Just a warning


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
2 out of three work young man ,well does now ive added battery holder from my broken one..cant complain about my 1600 lumen t6 tho obs that works fine :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yeah I paid something similiar once postage was added
No idea where 'big love' came from but im sticking by it :P


Staff member
Unlucky I'd say, I have several 'Cheap Chinese' torches none of which have failed me, granted a tailcap switch went on a three year old one, but given the fact it had been hammered in sewers/caves/mines then I think that's more than reasonable wear and tear

Sure there is bound to be some shit out there, but I think from a reputable buyer with some kind of returns policy is worth it's weight in gold..

Like I said, can't fault them as a rule in general


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
If it wasnt for the hong kong aspect and fact it cost me jack shit i would return it..ill see what they reply to my email with

Snake Oil

go in drains
28DL Full Member
cheap chinese shit is all I use, I can't afford a proper one :( My chinese cree head torch took a long swim in Bunker and still worked fine so I think its the luck of the draw sometimes.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
cheap chinese shit is all I use, I can't afford a proper one :( My chinese cree head torch took a long swim in Bunker and still worked fine so I think its the luck of the draw sometimes.

yeah i reckon so,im waiting for me 2 mates to pick theres up and i hope they last longer than the les than a minute mine did,cant even fix the bulb issue if the caps thread is screwed..ah well..i have many other torches.

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