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Report - Dalton Grange - Huddersfield - Feb 21

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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Dalton Grange


Dalton Grange stands on or near the site of a house which, in 1854, was called View Cottage and which, in the early 19th Century must indeed have had a splendid view northeast over the lush water-meadows of the Colne to the wooded hillside of the Fartown and Sheepridge areas. Dalton Grange was built on the site in 1870 by Henry Brook of J.H. Brook & Sons of Bradley Mills. In 1916 it was bought by British Dyes for conversion into a recreation club for their employees, Changing lifestyles meant the social club became redundant and in recent years Dalton Grange became a wedding venue until this too was shut down in 2017.



If you look at prev reports the level of natural decay is quite shocking.



The table still looks ok though lol












Thats it from this rather stunning building. thanks for looking!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
that's mad how that's degraded.

It is aint it, another one I imagine they are just waiting for it to fall in on itself so it can be deemed unsafe & pulled down which of course is what the owners wanted to do anyway!


Regular User
It is aint it, another one I imagine they are just waiting for it to fall in on itself so it can be deemed unsafe & pulled down which of course is what the owners wanted to do anyway!

yeah, I mean it was quite a sad story really, as there was a couple who ran it as a hotel and events/ functions hire place, but it was always owned by the chemical works (currently Syngenta, formerly ICI) and once they wanted rid they just turfed out the tenants who were doing just nicely. It can't have been more than 7 or 8 years ago that this place was a virtually spotless well managed little venue (if a little dated decor-wise).

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
yeah, I mean it was quite a sad story really, as there was a couple who ran it as a hotel and events/ functions hire place, but it was always owned by the chemical works (currently Syngenta, formerly ICI) and once they wanted rid they just turfed out the tenants who were doing just nicely. It can't have been more than 7 or 8 years ago that this place was a virtually spotless well managed little venue (if a little dated decor-wise).
Yeah but I read there was thousands in renovation required & they had no income from the tenants for some years so not sure what to believe.
I know they tried to get planning to demolish it.
Will prob b another site of mysterious fire I have no doubt

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I expected this one to be more vandalised. Nice report though

pretty untouched tbh but is falling apart on its own, access is difficult & if u do get caught its a police call out so think that keeps a lot of muppets away.
Im surprised how off the radar it is too, not been many reports at all.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
This is an architectural beauty, attention to detail is amazing. The aging decay is sad but also so appealing in multiple ways . I am also shocked that man made damage is limited and no graff either. Great report this


28DL Regular User
Regular User
pretty untouched tbh but is falling apart on its own, access is difficult & if u do get caught its a police call out so think that keeps a lot of muppets away.
Im surprised how off the radar it is too, not been many reports at all.
It may not be on the forum much. But was quite a lot doing it about four years ago, was always seeing pics of it. Then I think it got sealed and went quiet and obviously a bit harder to get in now. Which ain't a bad thing.

Jacqueline denney

28DL Member
28DL Member
It is aint it, another one I imagine they are just waiting for it to fall in on itself so it can be deemed unsafe & pulled down which of course is what the owners wanted to do anyway!
I lived there for 10 years . We moved out in 1981 when I was 15 . I am crying looking at this poor home. My dad Jacqes Arm was the manager of the members club of ICI doctors club . It was an amazing home and full of fun evenings good food and entertainment

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I lived there for 10 years . We moved out in 1981 when I was 15 . I am crying looking at this poor home. My dad Jacqes Arm was the manager of the members club of ICI doctors club . It was an amazing home and full of fun evenings good food and entertainment
I can imagine your heartache it's such a shame its being allowed to go like this.
Unfortunately the roof has now gone which usually accelerates the demise of places.

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