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Report - Dalton Grange, Huddersfield, Oct 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Copied from another thread (thanks OP)

Dalton Grange stands on or near the site of a house which, in 1854, was called View Cottage and which, in the early 19th Century must indeed have had a splendid view northeast over the lush water-meadows of the Colne to the wooded hillside of the Fartown and Sheepridge areas.
Dalton Grange was built on the site in 1870 by Henry Brook of J.H. Brook & Sons of Bradley Mills.
In 1916 it was bought by British Dyes for conversion into a recreation club for their employees, Changing lifestyles meant the social club became redundant and in recent years Dalton Grange became a wedding venue until this too was shut down in 2017.


I had never heard of this place until i saw another report on here and decided to see if it was still doable, i hadn't seen many posts about it at all so i wondered if it was especially difficult or something. One morning i found myself with a free day so midweek i set off to check it out, parked right outside the gate and hopped over a little wall, then walked straight down the driveway. The house was a bit bigger than i expected but also seemed well sealed with what looked like a new camera up on the flat roofed part. I had a look round and took a few pics and went down the side to the back and quickly saw a way in, it was a bit tricky but nothing too difficult.

I had only seen pics from the inside of this place on here and from the start of 2021 but its definitely decayed a lot since then!


The once grand staircase has had a fall from grace




Other hallway features




Billiard table looks decidedly worse for wear too


View from window showing new camera thing (i think)


Other rooms



Down the cellar i was met by these creepy pictures


Lots of stuff left behind


In happier times


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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely done, but has half the stair & handrail gone since my report?, that's crazy
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely done, but has half the stair & handrail gone since my report?, that's crazy
The full bannister has all gone and all the wood on the side of the stairs is all bowed out, it was tricky getting down the stairs with all the crap all over, seems to be decaying very fast :eek

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
The full bannister has all gone and all the wood on the side of the stairs is all bowed out, it was tricky getting down the stairs with all the crap all over, seems to be decaying very fast :eek
mad aint it, not sure why they would remove the balustrade but guess someone must of wanted it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I don't think it's been removed it's just collapsed and fell to bits, there's parts of it all over the stairs and lower hallway

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