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Report - Debenhams Department Store, Swindon - September 2024

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Debenhams Department Store


Debenhams Department Store in Swindon was opened in 1968, originally as Bon Marche, but in the following years was eventually succeded by Debenhams. The store is unique as it also has offices above it, which closed in 1999. Debenhams eventually closed in May 2020, and has been abandoned ever since. There have recently been plans to redevelop the space into a self storage facility, but these plans haven't gone ahead yet.


The Ground floor, where most of the product shelves are still standing.


Costa Coffee, which was also on the Ground floor.


The Cafeteria on the First floor.




TravelMoney and a Click & Collect desk on the First floor.


Escalators on the First floor.



Lift area on the Second floor.


Another angle of the lift area.

Break Room.


Stock area.





The Main entrance on the Ground floor, covered up by various advertisements for the Town Centre.

And that's basically it, this place was really cool to explore, I had explored it before back in 2021, and it was interesting to see how it's mostly stayed the same since then, although the outside of the building has seen better days.

Thank you for reading!

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
Nice report man, I was in here back in Feb! Though the pics in my report were a lot darker than yours as I had to use my phone since it was an impromptu trip. Glad to see it's still not entirely trashed.

You had a pic of the kitchen but not a pic of the left hand side of the kitchen. Out of interest, was that massive stack of teacups on the service counter still standing? If so, would be really interested to know.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Nice report man, I was in here back in Feb! Though the pics in my report were a lot darker than yours as I had to use my phone since it was an impromptu trip. Glad to see it's still not entirely trashed.

You had a pic of the kitchen but not a pic of the left hand side of the kitchen. Out of interest, was that massive stack of teacups on the service counter still standing? If so, would be really interested to know.
The teacups weren't in a big stack, but they were just placed elsewhere. I had to use my phone flashlight too, but apparently it's actually half decent!

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
The teacups weren't in a big stack, but they were just placed elsewhere. I had to use my phone flashlight too, but apparently it's actually half decent!
Haha wtf, who squeezes into a place like this and just rearranges teacups? I'm picturing the world's most OCD urban explorer :rofl


unhealthy fascination with drains
28DL Full Member
Nice report, I used to shop here in the mid to late 80s. Sad that another piece of history has been lost from our high streets.