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General - DID IT EVER EXIST IS IT STILL THERE (Smugglers run).. SS3

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been looking into the history of Shoeburyness, and heard the story/myth about the RED BRICK HOUSE at the end of Elm rd. The story goes that there was a tunnel that lead down from Red Brick House down to the shore and it was either used for smuggling in things, another story is that there is more than one tunnel from Rampart Terrace that leads to red brick, the shore......................and a 3rd exit/entrance ....and after a bit of research I found that the 3rd place should fall just inside QinetiQs site to ANOTHER Red Brick House. I also heard the story of a young girl who slit her own throat and was found in the tunnel el rd side and the tunnel was blocked up byut not investigated...i also heard Rampart streets access point was covered over.

Ive tried looking for a sewer and waterway map/s across east beach.. But to no avail, ive looked at archived old pics from the 30s and 40s and saw where buildings used to be accross the grass field..but couldnt find any tunnel info or give aways....but..i have seen a few manholes between those 3 points and 2 of them line up perfectly with matching lids...

I/we are still in our infancy at the moment and only done 1 explore so far, going back soon to finish that one !!

I will add some pics soon about the tunnels.

I really want to find the tunnels that people say is bs or they've been covered satisfy my own curiocity more than anything... As far as I know no one has searched or found these tunnels aside from possibly the water company !? ..but if so they've not said a word about this possible urban myth...nor any truth either way.

If anyone can chime in with any useful info or pics Id be so grateful.

More content coming soon - DE-eVOLVED SS3
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the Red Brick House thats always been associated with those stories... ill add links and quotes where possible to the stories etc ..


...standing here at Rampart Terrace... nothing really stands out at 1st ....

It maybe nothing my even be the wrong kind of manhole (too small for a man lol) .... But...


But ... just the shore before going onto the Garrison Estate ...there lies a manhole cover... that looks promising ... !? ..


Then as I lined up where I suspect the tunnel to be I paced away from Rampart in a straight line from Rampart Terrace across East Beach Grass Field ...


Then came across this in the middle of the field ...

But then there's a twist.. opposite Qinetiq (mod) there is a fenced off pond area which i know has one of the jailcell looking tunnel rooms in it ..because I slept on it wasted when I was a kid one time... but if you dismiss or take into account this ...and follow the drainage line...


Look at that !! .. I mean it could all be coincidental ...and may not be the correct locations at all ...(if the tunnel/s do exist) ...but ...I remain hopeful ....
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here are a few Historic pictures I found online of the areas of interest.. I think they are from the 30s to about 45.. ill add captions once they have uploaded.



Sadly no tell-tell signs ...

This is from 45 I belive and is Rampart Terrace.

This is the original date red brick on the corner of Elm Road was built..

This is another part that interests me (tunnel wise) just as you go through the walkway from East Beach to the Garrison.. 80 to 100ft straight in front of you is this huge metal contraption ..which again I presume is blocking a or a couple of tunnels ..but have no clue whats under there as I cannot recall..and cant find any pictures of that part at all its fastened shut with a small padlock but after trying to pear through the holes in it itbseems to be filled with loads of stones and shells...
also along the same stretch a few hundred ft further on itbappears another tunnel has been cemented shut ...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
They look liftable without too many prying eyes.
Love stuff like this.
Keep us posted what you find, ill see if I can find anything online.
Yeah definitely...I will :) the lids are pretty heavy and require drain keys.. but which sort I am yet to find out... ive only been down one tunnel so far ...and the ladder seised to exist with a substantial drop underneath.. so climbed straight back out again.. (not at this area, but along Hamlet Crt Rd.) ...Before I venture into another tunnel I want to upgrade most of my gear because as much as I want to crack on ...I want to do it inconspicuously and safely.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I got info that the 2nd red brick house has had the man hole tarmaced over... so Rampart is the only possibility for entry that I can think of ... lets hope that doesn't get covered over soon too :/


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Get yourself some of these badboys and some high vis and nobody will bat an eyelid

I am not sure if you are serious on not lol......but I like your thinking !! ..hi vis is no trouble but lugging 3 or 4 of those fences around is gonna be effort. I like that its getting darker earlier now...opens a better window of opertunity.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Small update .. ROAD WORKS on the corner of red brick (elm rd) ... Will venture down there soon and see (fingers crossed) for a ladder leading down !! ;) ... ill update after I have checked it out


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member


This is the Red Brick House thats always been associated with those stories... ill add links and quotes where possible to the stories etc ..


...standing here at Rampart Terrace... nothing really stands out at 1st ....

It maybe nothing my even be the wrong kind of manhole (too small for a man lol) .... But...


But ... just the shore before going onto the Garrison Estate ...there lies a manhole cover... that looks promising ... !? ..


Then as I lined up where I suspect the tunnel to be I paced away from Rampart in a straight line from Rampart Terrace across East Beach Grass Field ...


Then came across this in the middle of the field ...

But then there's a twist.. opposite Qinetiq (mod) there is a fenced off pond area which i know has one of the jailcell looking tunnel rooms in it ..because I slept on it wasted when I was a kid one time... but if you dismiss or take into account this ...and follow the drainage line...


Look at that !! .. I mean it could all be coincidental ...and may not be the correct locations at all ...(if the tunnel/s do exist) ...but ...I remain hopeful ....

Some more info I have gained :- SUTTON'S ROAD 1. 5219 SOUTH SHOEBURY Manor House TQ 98 NW 3/37 II* 2. (Standing within the Ministry of Defence closed area). A red brick house dated 1681. 2 storeys, attics and cellars. 5 window range, mullioned and transomed casements with leaded lights. A raised brick band runs between the storeys. A central 2-panel door with fanlight has a wood doorcase with broad pilasters and a shell hood on carved console brackets. Roof tiled, hipped, with a modillion wood eaves cornice, 3 dormer windows, 2 with hipped roofs and 1 (central) with a segmental pediment, and a central cupola. The front is protected by a red brick wall with tall gate and corner piers with acorn finials. (RCHM 5).

Taken from:-
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the Red Brick House thats always been associated with those stories... ill add links and quotes where possible to the stories etc ...

UPDATED INFO regarding Red Brick House (Shoebury High Street)

The Old Red House, Shoeburyness, Essex A famous local landmark, this cottage was built in 1637. It stands on the junction of Wakering Road and Elm road. Supposedly a secret tunnel was built beneath the road during WW2 to ferry troops to and from the seafront. It is said the tunnel ended in the raised area on Rampart Terrace which has now been tarmaced over. There are lots of old wives' tales like this in Shoebury, mostly to do with the MOD.

^Taken from :-
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