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Report - - DIO Aldershot - Aldershot, Hampshire October 2023 | Military Sites |

Report - DIO Aldershot - Aldershot, Hampshire October 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Now, theres not a whole bunch to report on this place, so I'll try to keep this report concise. However I notice there was no information on this place on 28DL and it brings me great joy to introduce the community to something new, even if it is a bit tame, so here goes.

Also don't get too excited for the explore, I never managed to get fully inside this one...I never call an explore a failure, but this certainly isn't going to hit the noteworthy reports page!

Site Information/History

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is the estate expert for defence, supporting the armed forces to enable military capability by planning, building, maintaining, and servicing infrastructure.

DIO responsibilities include:

  • plan and deliver major capital projects and lifecycle refurbishment
  • provide utilities services
  • manage soft facilities management (ie cleaning and catering)
  • provide a safe place to train
  • allocate Service Families Accommodation
  • procure and manage routine maintenance and reactive repair
  • provide a central register of asset information to advise infrastructure planning
  • act as steward of the defence estate
  • provide the unarmed guarding service

This site in Aldershot/Farnborough area was abandoned I believe in 2018 and is now under redevelopment, and only a few of the original buildings remain.

As far as history for the DIO specific site in Aldershot, I have struggled to find much history to report. However is is located in the huge garrison town of Aldershot and forms a part of Aldershot garrison next to the Queen's Parade Park.

There must be some history to this building due to it's age and location, but I can for the life of me find anything relevant. If you can share any information on this building I will be happy to update this post! History nerd battle inbound in the comments!

The Explore

So, not going to lie, I had had greater expectations for this one than it ended up being. I never visit a site solo for safety reasons so my unexperienced explorer friend from the last explore you may remember (Huntercombe Hospital, Taplow) joined me...sort of.

It's a long story, but we were recently accosted by two rather large African security guards at London Chest Hospital in Bethnal Green. I lack photos for that one as you can imagine, as we were sniffed out shortly after gaining entry, which it turns out had shaken my budding explorer padawan's bravery somewhat.

We approached the site in darkness through the footpath that runs through the Army Golf Course adjacent to the site. Peeking through the ferns we could see the glimmer of construction lights in the distance, a sign that we were surely on the right path...we had seen the redevelopment signs on google maps and weren't too hopeful we may find anything remaining on site...

Stumbling through the thick ferns in the darkness and clambering over a low fence, we eventually got to the Heras fence perimeter. It was at this point that my sidekick, with flashbacks of being chased out of the last explore (and hurting his back a little on the vault out of the site) decided he would go no further.

Now I know I said I never explore alone...but I had to check this one out just quickly ha ha!

Once inside it quickly became clear that this solo remaining building was well secured and boarded up and that there was no way in. I internally sighed and gave the building a full 360 whilst collecting the photons attached. The images were taken on night mode on iPhone and came out surprisingly well!

If anyone can crack this one or shed a little more info on this site they'd better be swift! I don't think this one will be around much longer...



DIO Aldershot.png







DIO Aldershot.png


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I recently encountered the Bethnal Green guards/henchmen too. They came for us within a minute of getting in, no idea how they detected us but must have a hidden sensor or camera. Saw a torch coming round the corner and next thing I know they're absolutely pelting it after me and my mate. Made it over the fence within seconds of them catching up and he swung his torch and hit the top of the gate just after I'd hopped over. They're nutcases so watch out folks.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I recently encountered the Bethnal Green guards/henchmen too. They came for us within a minute of getting in, no idea how they detected us but must have a hidden sensor or camera. Saw a torch coming round the corner and next thing I know they're absolutely pelting it after me and my mate. Made it over the fence within seconds of them catching up and he swung his torch and hit the top of the gate just after I'd hopped over. They're nutcases so watch out folks.
Yes we discovered we had set off an infra red sensor which was placed around knee height at one of the entranceways to the interior courtyard if you can call it that!

They chased @Shlum Le Flame and my padawan out quite aggressively while I remained inside the building.

Once the shouts of “ey ey ey” and the flashes of the torches turned the corner, I slinked out and over the fence.

Lots of ways out once your inside the perimeter so not too bad to peg it…


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Yes we discovered we had set off an infra red sensor which was placed around knee height at one of the entranceways to the interior courtyard if you can call it that!

They chased @Shlum Le Flame and my padawan out quite aggressively while I remained inside the building.

Once the shouts of “ey ey ey” and the flashes of the torches turned the corner, I slinked out and over the fence.

Lots of ways out once your inside the perimeter so not too bad to peg it…
Ah yes, I saw that sensor flash on the approach as typically that's by the access. We didn't go beyond it but it still probably saw us in the periphery. Sounds like it went pretty much exactly the same for us as it did you, the shouts of 'ey', the flashing torch 😂. Yeah it was alright to get out but if I started running a few seconds later I don't know what wouldve happened


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah yes, I saw that sensor flash on the approach as typically that's by the access. We didn't go beyond it but it still probably saw us in the periphery. Sounds like it went pretty much exactly the same for us as it did you, the shouts of 'ey', the flashing torch 😂. Yeah it was alright to get out but if I started running a few seconds later I don't know what wouldve happened

Ha ha yes sounds like a similar derp.

I don't know either but I suspect it may have involved a spot of poorly advised violence...

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