I cant find this on the forum so have called it doctors culvert. This was a short little explore with Miss Mayhem, and it seemed like a great find at the time however 30 or 40 yards in and we were starting to realise it was a back breaker as it was the perfect size so that you couldn't just bend over but have to crouch instead. I couldn't find a lot of information on it but I think it is Ramsley Brooke that flows through it under doctors lane hence the name. the culvert itself is just under 300 yards long from what I can tell. it isn't what you would call structurally sound as its made of a couple of inches thick of concrete and there happens a couple of inches crack down nearly the whole length. If you are not the biggest fan of spiders then this is not the place for you as me and miss mayhem had shake several of them off of each other at the end.