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Report - - Dorking Deepdene Railway control Centre - Surrey - March 2018 | Underground Sites |

Report - Dorking Deepdene Railway control Centre - Surrey - March 2018

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28DL Full Member
For my last underground through back I’m gonna leave it on a good note with dorking deepene railway control Center

At the time this one my most favourite explore I had done that year so far it was so simple and so easy ! No climbing just a simple as walk in !

We already in the area for a different reason for the god of my life I can not remember why ! But we though we stop off here before heading out

The ground it self is so lovely to walk around !

Finding the entrance was so simple at the time ! There was fresh muddy footprints leading up to where you walked in

Once inside we said we how clean it was due to how open it was at the time ! We spent a good 30/40 mins looking around and my favourite bit off this location was the two stick men on the wall

The bunker was constructed within the caves which were enlarged to house the 30 staff and once complete their emergency headquarters with office staff was moved there from Waterloo. The network of tunnels included a Control Room, meeting room, switchboard, battery room, main distribution frame (MDF)/maintainers room, a bedroom for the night officer and an air plant and toilet facilities. The switchboard was a three-positioned installation with Post Office lines and extensions serving the headquarters staff with direct lines to the various divisional traffic and engineering officers; it was in use 24 hours a day.










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