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Report - - DR SHIPMANS medical practice-todmorden feb16 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - DR SHIPMANS medical practice-todmorden feb16

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scotty markfour

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
HISTORY-The abraham ormerod medical centre todmorden opened its doors to great fanfare in july 1938 , it was gifted to the town by the old textile family that operated mills in the area , british movietone filmed the occasion of its opening as a junior member of the royal family the princess royal was in attendance .
the place is better remembered as the practice where DR HAROLD SHIPMAN began his murderous spree in the mid 1970s ,in 1975 he was caught out making false prescriptions for pethidine to himself , for this he received a £600 fine .

the medical centre has lain empty for some years now and has not faired well with the elements , in 2010 calderdale council granted permission for NETTO to demolish the place so they could build yet another pointless supermarket , this just happens to be across the road from the open air market , yet another nail in the towns coffin ! locals have protested the opening of the third supermarket in such a small town ! the greed of the local councillors will ride roughshod over the rights of the local townfolks .

in january 2000 DR HAROLD SHIPMAN, britains most prolific killer was given 15 life sentences for the 15 victims they could actually nail him for due to the overwhelming scientific evidence , 15 ex patients of shipman had had there bodies exhumed , large amounts of morphine and heroin was still traceable in the corpses . his victims are suspected to be in the high hundreds , but it was not in the public interest to chase these allegations up ! the cost of bringing dr shipman to trial for the 15 had already gone into many millions of pounds.
the body count will remain secret forever as the authoritys could not say for sure , and dr shipman took his secret to the grave when he hanged himself in wakefield prison in january 2004

THE EXPLORE -found this place due to a tip off that it was being demolished , my ears pricked up as soon as i heard SHIPMAN ! access was just a point of looking for a suitable gap in the perimeter defences , we was surprised at the amount of devastation of the place and how quickly it had fallen victim to the elements , it was the notoriety of the place that drew us and not the building itself ! visited with fellow 28dl members @Cazel#HT ,@Daniel Birkett ,@Rachel Brade and other urbexers.

PICS- taken with a canon 10-18mm wide angled lens......enjoy the pics folks !



















28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
cool report ;)

fookinell, shipman :eek:

There is a a song by legendary band The Fall called "what about us?" with some references to Harold Shipman, check it out!

"There was a man going round all the time
He was dishing out drugs
He was a doctor
Dishing out morphine to old ladies I said,
what about us? (Shipman!)
What about us? (Shipman!)
What about us? (Shipman!)
What about us? (Shipman!)
What about us, Shipman?
What about us? (Shipman!)
What about us, Shipman?
What about us? (Shipman!)"


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Didn't like this place.. properly weirded me out and I really don't get weird with places usually. Some lovely art deco features in the reception hall. Good to see its getting flattened.

Have a pop at the old cinema next door?


The Fun One
28DL Full Member
I tried this place about a year or so again, before the building work on it.
Was all boarded up as was next door.

scotty markfour

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Didn't like this place.. properly weirded me out and I really don't get weird with places usually. Some lovely art deco features in the reception hall. Good to see its getting flattened.

Have a pop at the old cinema next door?
did the cinema too ! check out my report on 28dl