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Report - - Draycott Cross Colliery, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent – January 2020 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Draycott Cross Colliery, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent – January 2020

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Draycott Cross Colliery was a privately owned drift mine which operated from 1983 through to early 1991. The adits were mined in the southern portal of the former Draycott Cross Railway Tunnel. The tunnel and line were constructed from 1888 through to 1894 and were originally part of the railway line running from Totmonslow to Cheadle. The tunnel was abandoned in the 1930’s as it was prone to collapse, despite the addition of steel hoops to support the roof and a diversion was built to the East making the tunnel redundant.

Visited with @Gsxrwayne

Once inside the tunnel we had a poke about in a couple of the adits on the West and East side, unfortunately both were flooded after a short distance. The escape shaft looked tempting, but in the end we thought better of it. The air was good throughout our visit.

Looking down the tunnel


I think the white material is 'bagging' and was used for dust extraction


Nice to see several mine carts dotted around


Remains of part of the conveyor system


In one of the adits




And another, this one we didn't venture into because of flooding


Further down the main tunnel is this barricade - slightly overexposed where the sign is



Beyond this, the tunnel is piled with sand for a short distance and the remains of some kind of pulley-driven earth scooper are present.


The end of the tunnel and collapse, the buckled steel hoops are slightly unnerving!



Thanks for looking!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pics turned out mint mate even if you was flued up and grumpy haha. Cheers for this one it was a good one


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice update on the place. You`ve covered it well. Always like to see the old carts. Those curved supports are looking more & more dodgy. Nice set :thumb

Thanks CJ it's certainly one I never tire of seeing.

Pics turned out mint mate even if you was flued up and grumpy haha. Cheers for this one it was a good one

Cheers mate, thanks for being Mr PPE and for putting up with all the swearing and moaning haha


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice pics, I especially like the flooded adit pic. The optical illusion makes you think the water should be flowing towards you! Those buckled supports certainly speak of some movement and force from above the arch.


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
That's really well lit, decent shots too.
I think the white material is 'bagging' and was used for dust extraction
I think it's more likely to have been for getting fresh air in. We use something very similar for AC in event spaces.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Beyond this, the tunnel is piled with sand for a short distance and the remains of some kind of pulley-driven earth scooper are present.

It's actually a Slusher. Used to be quite common in metal mines. Also known as a Scraper, principally in South Africa where lots of them are still in use.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Love it! such an amazing place! Shame I’m terrified of confined spaces or I’d love to give this a go as it’s only up the road from me. Well done on getting in, you’ve covered it beautifully


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Draycott Cross Colliery was a privately owned drift mine which operated from 1983 through to early 1991. The adits were mined in the southern portal of the former Draycott Cross Railway Tunnel. The tunnel and line were constructed from 1888 through to 1894 and were originally part of the railway line running from Totmonslow to Cheadle. The tunnel was abandoned in the 1930’s as it was prone to collapse, despite the addition of steel hoops to support the roof and a diversion was built to the East making the tunnel redundant.

Visited with @Gsxrwayne

Once inside the tunnel we had a poke about in a couple of the adits on the West and East side, unfortunately both were flooded after a short distance. The escape shaft looked tempting, but in the end we thought better of it. The air was good throughout our visit.

Looking down the tunnel


I think the white material is 'bagging' and was used for dust extraction


Nice to see several mine carts dotted around


Remains of part of the conveyor system


In one of the adits




And another, this one we didn't venture into because of flooding


Further down the main tunnel is this barricade - slightly overexposed where the sign is



Beyond this, the tunnel is piled with sand for a short distance and the remains of some kind of pulley-driven earth scooper are present.


The end of the tunnel and collapse, the buckled steel hoops are slightly unnerving!



Thanks for looking!

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