The iron works was formed in 1848 until 1921 when it shut down through a strike.the furnaces were demolished. But in 1928 a brickworks was formed this continued till 1976 when strong competition from larger companies. In the 90's a heritage centre was set up but was a flop and the the local authority pulled the funding. The blowing engine house still stands and the kills, a continuous 14 chamber one and a later one built in 1935 consisting of 24 chambers. There seems to be the remains of an old boiler house. Down the end of the site is the remains of some old engines and carriages. I had visited this with the girlfriend a few years back and we went back with two friends. I like this place as it's a relaxed wander and some nice stuff too see. There is some heritage sheds for trains what volunteers work on, not sure if they still use that bit but think they do.