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Question - East Goscote / Leicestershire / Tunnel System?

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I was just doing some background reading about East Goscote in Leicestershire the other day and stumbled over a wiki and local pages which says there was an extensive tunnel system there during WW2 for ammunition storage and the similar ordnance. I just wonder if anyone knew any more about it... according to the article the 'plans' which showed the tunnel layout have been 'mislaid' deliberately.

Any info appreciated.


Punkus Explorus
28DL Full Member
I wouldn't trust wiki. Try going down to the records office at Wigston. Also local library's.
I have a friend who's local to gossy and Rearsby, I'll ask her if she knows anything. Try looking into ammo storage for Rearsby airfield, that might help.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've had a good look around East Goscote before as have a friend from there. I think the entire reason East Goscote was built was specifically for the munitions stuff although I could be completely wrong as it's a good few years since I poked about there!

As far as I know, anything that was there is now capped, there's a green with quite obvious mounds where things once were and if you look you can see the concrete tops just under the surface of the soil but I never found any entrances.

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
I saw some photos on some local facebook group a few years back. I heard it is sealed up now.
It would be one hell of a good catch though!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have been poking around east goscote for over a year in search of said tunnels. I heard that if you walk along the track towards melton and look right you will see a small entrance. I have done this several times now to no avail haha. The closest I have come to finding an entrance is in the golf course. There is a "special place of scientific interest " part that's fenced off. But it's extremely overgrown this time of year so winter is the time to look i think. If you have any luck please let me know haha.

dick van dyke

28DL Member
28DL Member
I have some good news for you... Yes there are 3 possibilities that I know of. First is as you say in that area of scientific interest on Beedles golf course. There is a small brick building boarded up. The bricks along the bottom are old. This, I believe, is an entrance. Hoping for photographs shortly. 2nd is the pump building just after the crossing on Broome Lane heading out the village. There is a concrete block cover steps down.. Not sure how I can move it yet but hey, that's what it's about. 3rd is almost opposite in the rough ground between the road & the Beedles track. This is heavily overgrown but there is something in there. Take a look you won't be disappointed.
There are other entrances all equally well disguised. These will be easier to find from inside.
One word of warning. Conspiracy theory that chemical weapons were held with any residue going into the old concrete tanks that became the sewage works. Story was that this sewage was spread over the fields and got into the livestock and local crops.. Result Queniborough the worlds highest concentration of Mad Cow Disease..

Let me know what you find


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well I'm up for exploring if you are dick van dyke, I have tried for years and haven't found how to get in, my girl friends Nan used to work in there and your right about the dirty bombs. They had mustard gas down there but it was all cleared out before the last time they had it opened up to the public

dick van dyke

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi. I have two guys doing some digging around first. There is a concrete block they are trying to move. I'll keep you posted.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I've lived in East Gostcote for 7 year and find this very interesting. I've spoken to many locals (some who've lived here since the 70's) and no one knows details of tunnel entrances. The derelict building on Broom Lane opposite the golf club enterence has recently been fenced off so will be trickier to explore now.

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
I've lived in East Gostcote for 7 year and find this very interesting. I've spoken to many locals (some who've lived here since the 70's) and no one knows details of tunnel entrances. The derelict building on Broom Lane opposite the golf club enterence has recently been fenced off so will be trickier to explore now.

Think i know the one you mean.
I had a look a year back, it was mostly an empty concrete room inside, with not much to see

ben dawko

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Think i know the one you mean.
I had a look a year back, it was mostly an empty concrete room inside, with not much to see
I've been in and there might be an entrance if you are willing to bring some waders and climb down a sketchy ladder, but I'm not sure what's down there


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The derelict building was just a pump house for if the tunnels flooded. I know of two definite entrances but that’s all

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