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Report - - Eastmoor Boy's Reformatory School - Leeds - September 2018 | Other Sites |

Report - Eastmoor Boy's Reformatory School - Leeds - September 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is project Underground's 2nd proper explore together! On with the history first!

Opened on the 2nd December, 1857, East Moor Reformatory for Boys was certified to house up to 60 convicted boys. The site was 20 acres, and had cow and pig sheds, shoemakers, smiths, and stables; among other areas, which was all built from stone quarried from the same land. There were fields in which produce was grown, and more than 40 boys were put to work in 1859.

In 1917, the site became known as Adel Training School for boys, and over 2000 boys had lived here by this point.
In 1933, the school became known as East Moor Approved School.

by 1962, 120 boys lived here, some short term, some longer. They were put to work in kitchens, building, and even local firms took the boys on for work experience. This helped to rehabilitate the boys, some of which from broken homes.

From 1974-1991, the school became a community home. Until 2003, the school was used to home Leeds Met students. The buildings have been left empty for 15 years.

Link to source - Click the image!

The Explore
This is Project Underground's 2nd explore together, and 4th explore in total! We did an abandoned train line, and as cool as some things are, it doesn't warrant a full report! Quite a few pictures as I want to show my buddy's exceptional iPhone photography, they'll come after!
We have been here twice, but the first time was a no-go. We found access but agreed it was too dangerous. After we grew a set of balls, we went back. Access is awkward, but if a 4'10'', 45kg woman can do it, you can do it!
Again, another example of weather, disrespect and vandalism to ruin an otherwise beautiful building. Downstairs was beautiful. The swimming pool was a sight to see. We didn't realise how absolutely massive this place is from the outside. Once we were in and saw the courtyard with the school symbol on the wall, and so many places to explore, we just fell in love with this place. We sat and chilled for a while, someone had arranged the stones in the courtyard to say "It's Coming Home" which made me smile!
There were a few rooms we didn't go in, purely because in one building there was an ashtray, bottles, shoes etc and the room at the end was so dark, made me a bit uncomfortable. Couple that with the soft floor that is caving in a bit, I didn't want to chance it.
This was an absolutely amazing explore, Veteran is a right lad to come on explores with, and he's come out of his shell a lot thanks to... I'd say the complexity of getting into this place. It's not, really. Just not something we've ever done before and it's raised out confidence with heights, climbing, and using our brains to get out of a building! Really enjoyed this. Be warned there's houses round here and a secure children's home at the back. Dog walkers and playing children do frequent the outside world. Just be quick, quiet, and you'll be fine. So fun! Now for the pictures. Thanks for reading.

Espiix x

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btw if u wanna see more, we're called Prxject Underground and can be found on insta and fb. thanks for reading! x











28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haven't seen this crop up for a long time!

It looks pretty much the same as It did 5 or so years ago tbf!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haven't seen this crop up for a long time!

It looks pretty much the same as It did 5 or so years ago tbf!
I thought, I hadn't seen a thread on this recently so might as well show it off! Me and my buddy are so proud of this, its our biggest explore yet!

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