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Report - - Egerton House Hotel, Bolton - October 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Egerton House Hotel, Bolton - October 2020

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
This has been done a few times but we where in the area and had some time.

History - Egerton House Hotel dates from around 1860. Before becoming a hotel the building was owned by a local businessman who had made his fortune in the mills. In 1979 its owners extended the hotel’s restaurant. A two-storey extension was built in 1982 adding 16 more rooms and a residential lounge to the hotel. A further expansion in 1996 Added a separate building with a function suite for 70 people. Macdonald took over ownership of the 29-room hotel in 2010. It was closed in 2014.

Explore - Access into the grounds is easy, The main hotel is not in the best condition and access is a bit dangerous. Access to the modern function suite was straightforward. This is the second time we've been here, came back to get better photos. It's a nice location set in large grounds and we loved the Victorian era building, looks like it would have been stunning at one time, however decay has taken it's toll. There's also quite a bit of evidence of youtuber's attempting to summon demons/ghosts etc. for added comedy value.
















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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Some nice features. I was surprised tbh. The wood panelling & rails, fireplace and those stairs have great iron work. These things made my like


28DL Member
28DL Member
This has been done a few times but we where in the area and had some time.

History - Egerton House Hotel dates from around 1860. Before becoming a hotel the building was owned by a local businessman who had made his fortune in the mills. In 1979 its owners extended the hotel’s restaurant. A two-storey extension was built in 1982 adding 16 more rooms and a residential lounge to the hotel. A further expansion in 1996 Added a separate building with a function suite for 70 people. Macdonald took over ownership of the 29-room hotel in 2010. It was closed in 2014.

Explore - Access into the grounds is easy, The main hotel is not in the best condition and access is a bit dangerous. Access to the modern function suite was straightforward. This is the second time we've been here, came back to get better photos. It's a nice location set in large grounds and we loved the Victorian era building, looks like it would have been stunning at one time, however decay has taken it's toll. There's also quite a bit of evidence of youtuber's attempting to summon demons/ghosts etc. for added comedy value.
















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A skull has been found here. They're saying it's human I wonder if they will find the rest of the skeleton?


grumpy sod
Regular User
A skull has been found here. They're saying it's human I wonder if they will find the rest of the skeleton?

They won't find anything of the sort because the people that 'found' it built their entire YouTube channel out of fakery and deceit and lies, and now they expect everyone to believe this was all above board.

The best thing about it all is that they let the Daily Mail use their quotes to run the story and then the Mail totally ripped into them, even including the comment Danny shit-for-brains Duffy made on YouTube about how people die every day so they should just get over it.

I bet they're regretting that now...


28DL Member
28DL Member
They won't find anything of the sort because the people that 'found' it built their entire YouTube channel out of fakery and deceit and lies, and now they expect everyone to believe this was all above board.

The best thing about it all is that they let the Daily Mail use their quotes to run the story and then the Mail totally ripped into them, even including the comment Danny shit-for-brains Duffy made on YouTube about how people die every day so they should just get over it.

I bet they're regretting that now...
Ugh how annoying what a waste of police time.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
A skull has been found here. They're saying it's human I wonder if they will find the rest of the skeleton?
I walked right past the spot where the skull was found while taking these shots so either I practically stepped over it and never saw it which is a creepy thought, or it wasn't there at the time I posted this report which makes you wonder if it conveniently appeared just before the goontubers found it. Guess we will have to wait for the police to get to the bottom of it.....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
He's released a video of the whole event, seems like a more genuine reaction than his normal "content" too, the only thing I thought was awful, was handling it, I get that as explorers we find questionable things, for example a medical skeleton or such, which it might be fun to pose with etc, but coming, you can see in the video straight away it's a real skull.

There's a news story about a young girl who's dismembered remains were found in a pub car park about 15 minutes away, the police are apparently investigating the potential connection from what I've read and seen around the net the last 24 hours.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
He's released a video of the whole event, seems like a more genuine reaction than his normal "content" too, the only thing I thought was awful, was handling it, I get that as explorers we find questionable things, for example a medical skeleton or such, which it might be fun to pose with etc, but coming, you can see in the video straight away it's a real skull.

There's a news story about a young girl who's dismembered remains were found in a pub car park about 15 minutes away, the police are apparently investigating the potential connection from what I've read and seen around the net the last 24 hours.
I watched the video he did as I was curious having been here a couple of times. The skull did look real but these guys are part of the whole Dan dixon/proving demons crew who have form for this exact stunt. I'm reserving judgement but if it is fake then its pretty disgusting and if it's real then it's even worse to try and profit of the back of it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I watched the video he did as I was curious having been here a couple of times. The skull did look real but these guys are part of the whole Dan dixon/proving demons crew who have form for this exact stunt. I'm reserving judgement but if it is fake then its pretty disgusting and if it's real then it's even worse to try and profit of the back of it.
I'm in the same boat, I do feel like they'll end up fucked over if it turns out they've got a skull from somewhere and blagged the police, the MEN article did say it was confirmed a human skull.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Love Andy's views videos on these lot. The funniest is when Danny tries to do a video reply. Epic levels of dumb.

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