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Report - Eggborough Power Station - Nov 18

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g00n Buster
Staff member
Eggborough Power Station


Taken from their website.

Construction of the power station began in 1962 and we began supplying the National Grid in 1967. The official opening of the Station was on 18th September 1970. As a result of privatisation, Eggborough passed from the ownership of the Central Electricity Generating Board to a newly created company, National Power, which was floated on the London Stock Exchange in March 1991. Eggborough was bought by British Energy in March 2000. In January 2009 British Energy was bought by EDF Energy. As part of that purchase process, Eggborough divested from EDF and became an independent business on 1st April 2010. Since the official opening, the Station operation has varied from the initial continuous running day and night (base loading) to a mix of generation where units are run flexibly (two shifting) to match the daily generation demands. Initially, the Station was focussed upon improving the performance of the original equipment to improve upon the original design intent. However, from the early nineties to present day a number of upgrades have been undertaken to improve environmental performance and to replace major components with more efficient modern day designs.

A few old photos of Eggbourough







Eggborough Power Limited or ‘EPL’ is proposing to develop a new gas-fired power station on the site of it’s existing coal-fired power station at Eggborough near Selby in North Yorkshire. The new power station would be a combined cycle gas turbine or ‘CCGT’ plant.

The new power station would have a gross output capacity of up to 2,500 megawatts and be capable of supplying the electricity needs of around 2 million homes. A new underground gas pipeline would be constructed to the north of the power station so as to connect it to the national gas transmission system. There would also be an electrical connection to the existing substation located at the coal-fired power station site and water supply connections.

Subject to a final investment decision by EPL, the new gas-fired power station, once constructed and operational, would ensure that the Eggborough Power Station site continues to make an important contribution to the security of national energy supplies and the local economy.

Here’s a couple photo’s showing the proposed plans for the CCGT



The Explore

Visited with @slayaa @Ferret and @Moose. I managed to get out of work a few hours early and met up with everyone and off we went.

The night started off with a bit of panic. A car seemed to know where we were from the off which saw ferret dive into a bush head first only to roll into a stream, which, as cold as it was, was still hilarious. We soon realised that we were just being paranoid. Better safe than sorry though eh. A quick smoke and a chill to make sure we were just being paranoid we carried on. Approaching the site we could hear secca doing the rounds with their dogs. Great. We also spotted a few torches beaming about in the distance so we sat back and waited it out. As the barking of the dogs disappeared into the distance either side of us it was time to go for it. A few moments later we were in. Awesome.

Navigating our way through wasn’t as complicated as Rugeley, and apart from the razor wire wall of doom it was a straight forward walk upto the boiler house.

We got above the turbine hall and had a couple of beers .

A quick poke around the turbine hall and then into the control room. I think we all felt a bit on edge in here, the lights were on a motion sensor and then with cold brews, recent sign ins, van keys and mobile phones being left on the desks oh and the radio being left on I fully expected secca to just walk in on us

Time just seemed to disappear so we decided to make tracks well before sunrise and head back out the way we came.

Just as we’d got off site we heard a scrambler and what sounded like a monster V8 ragging through (what we thought was the field). They’d just started filming. Bloody early too!

Anyway we had top night out, with great company as per. The only downfall was I had to go straight back to work. I’m getting too old for all nighters. Shattered, but buzzing.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report, top mooch, arse still sore from razor wire. Disappointed I'm.not looking at the camera, again! :sleep