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Report - Elvanfoot Parish Church - Elvanfoot - August 2018

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The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Elvanfoot Parish Church - Elvanfoot



There's very little history on this church, stone built early 20th century church with high pitched slate roofs and a tower with a pyramidical roof. Located in an active churchyard, the architects were possibly Boucher & Higgins. The cemetery opened in 1906 and incorporates the old churchyard and church. It is the most southerly cemetery in South Lanarkshire, the graveyard contains one Commonwealth war grave from the First World War and 2 from the Second World War

The church has been unused for approximately 20 years. At some point probably in the early 80's it was no longer used as a church and became a residential property. The residents were hoarders and amassed a huge collection of doll, toys, books and ornaments.

My Visit

I'd seen this place pop up a few times and seemed an ideal place to break a long journey, a nice easy mooch to stretch the legs and a bit more interesting than a motorway service station. As you enter the building through a side room you don't really appreciate what's in store once you head into the church itself.


Window sill in the kitchen soon made it apparent that the church is visited regularly and rather than being a pristine abandoned building, it's more a photography studio for all the aspiring Urbexer's these days. Only reported once on 28DL, but if you Google 'Hoarders Church' there's 1000's of staged photos and has even made it to Reddit.


Next was the main part of the church, I have to admit when I walked into this part I thought I'd walked into the aftermath of an explosion at a jumble sale!


There was crap everywhere, sort of reminded me of my bedroom when I was a kid much to my mums horror.


So with so much crap, where to start? I spent a fair bit just looking around amazed at the collection of toys and books from my childhood years and the clutter of tasteless ornaments which usually adorn the shelves and fireplace of the strange aunt or grannie you only visit once in a blue moon.




There were some interesting things, and I'm sure if I had more time would have unearthed a lot more. That's unless they have already walked out the door.




Every available space was covered in tat, stacked with book or just strewn across the floor.




This visit was interrupted a couple of times by various tour buses, first lot were uploading live images to their Facebook and Instagram accounts so happily got out the way. The second lot were a bunch of ghost hunters who I happily expressed my view of ghosts to them. For some reason they didn't stop around too long. I've called in since, and have always bumped into someone else, so much for these secret locations with code named titles.

Anyway a few more photos, no ghosts or fellow Urbexer's, just me, a manikin and a duck.



Hoarder houses aren't usually my cup of tea, too much crap usually. This wasn't really an exception, the church was nice enough and was good to stretch my legs for a bit on a couple of occasions.





grumpy sod
Regular User
This place is one of the strangest locations I've ever explored.

I know we as a collective don't buy into it much but I found the atmosphere in there extremely oppressive, it wasn't a nice feeling at all. One of only a few places I've felt like that in all my years of exploring.

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