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Report - - Epping College, Loughton, Essex (January/February 2019) | Other Sites |

Report - Epping College, Loughton, Essex (January/February 2019)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Epping Forest College vacated this site in 2011, presumably to move into the huge college that now currently stands round the corner. I wasn’t able to find much information on why else, however since their departure these old buildings have clearly seen their fair share of arson and forced entry - although it does make it a lot easier to gain access using the ways people have already made. The land has been sitting there since the move however recently it’s been listed up for sale hoping to take bids surpassing £20 million. Not really much else to say other than watch your step as their are some holes in the paving as you walk about, I thought perhaps I could use one to gain access to the bigger building but to no avail. Would be interesting to see inside the taller one and perhaps I’ll make another report if I can get my grappling hook up there. Anyways enough talking from me I may have been abit excessive with the pictures as it’s my first report, the missus said I was in there for an hour or so but it really is fascinating to see how many old remenants are littered around; tapes from 2003, colour cigarette boxes, newspapers, books, etc. I know I said I’d stop talking but just quickly I apologise in advance for the quality of the photos, the only camera I own is on the same device I’m writing this report on and we planned to make it before sundown but we’ve been here 3 times now and every time it’s too dark to not have to use flash. Also I’m going to provide some photos of what it used to look like so you can see how the walls have truly overgrown, as well as a birds eye view taken from the sellers site. I don’t see this site lasting for another year seeing as the area has been going through a lot of redevelopment and I can easily see this being next on the list. Anyway I hope you all enjoy, and many more reports to come :cool:

P.S. feel free to message me if you have any questions or queries, I’m happy to help as much as I can :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Visited here with some mates on Christmas Eve last year as it's basically 15 minutes away from where we live, hope you liked our makeshift entrance stack of shelves and boxes!

I know quite a few people who go to this college currently, and apparently that section was the old art/design block of the college but was partially destroyed by a fire so it wound up getting abandoned. The maps outside show both the old block and the new college building so they definitely must've been in use at the same time at one point.

On the far corner on one side of the building you can see the room the fire started in, and thanks to the patterns of burn marks you can literally see how it spread and how it destroyed all the surrounding walls.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I used to work at Epping Forest College before and while the new campus was being built. The 'middle building' was 'hair and beauty' for the latter part of it's days. The upper part of the campus (where I mostly worked, was demolished almost as soon as it was vacated, and the lower campus which contained 'building', 'motor vehicle' and electrical classrooms didn't survive past the new building's opening. The middle building was kept on ... I believe ... because initially there was a plan to build across the road as well, and have a new 'hair and beauty' area of campus there ... this was knocked on the head by financial constraints ... and the middle building was kept on. Sad to see it in that state ... but considering the new campus was built with only a 20 year service life ... no doubt that will be abandoned before we are all too old to explore it!

Urban blud

28DL Member
28DL Member
Does anyone know the address of this place? I would like to go here with some friends and have a look around

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