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Report - - Epping Junior School, Epping, Essex - June 2018 | Other Sites |

Report - Epping Junior School, Epping, Essex - June 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my first post so I am sorry in advance if this isn't exactly what people expect to see on here.

I have researched online and asked around but there seems to be very little history on this place, all I have been able to gather was that the school closed in 2009 and moved to nearby Coronation Hill. The reason for the schools closure as I have been told was due to the rapidly increasing number of students, the school wasn't big enough so it was easier to just leave it behind and build a new one.

The Explore:
Me and a fellow user on this site @Smiffyboi had been scouting out this place for sometime, we went on one occasion to try and find a way in but fell short when our options seemed very limited so we left. We was still determined there was a way to make it into the grounds so we went back on a very sunny afternoon (church bells were ringing for most of the time we was there) and found our best option which was to Hop a big metal spiky fence. Climbing over was pretty sketchy as you are in plain view of a busy road and active buildings, once we was in the grounds we had no idea of how we was going to get inside the buildings but I remembered a friend of mine had told me a few weeks back that there was a broken board that could get us into the front building but we had to climb to the roof. Once we was inside I came across a lot of empty rooms with natural decay and the roofs caving in. Me and Liam came across two big rooms with power still on, there was a small kitchen area in one of them rooms whilst the another one had a computer area that had been destroyed by the natural decay and what seemed to be where a projector would of been but its wires were dangling down from the ceiling. Then... we was came to a still when I looked inside the front room and I saw a fridge, heater, kids clothes and other appliances, Liam thought he heard snoring but as we peered around the corner there was no one to be seen. We discovered that the room was once used as a security hut for Mitie (mitie logo on the heater, mitie paper work all over the place, security messages on the walls etc.) however, it had clearly not been used as a security hut since 2017 which was when the metal fencing around the school was put into place. Instead it was evident that someone had been living there due to the kids clothes that were there, pillows, sleeping bags, out of date food etc.

The main building which includes, the hall, the kitchen and many classrooms was worse than the front building. The natural decay and vandalism was all over the place, one of the long corridors had black mold all over the walls and ceilings making it nearly impossible to explore. There is no power (we only managed to get one light working) and no running water so luckily we had our torches with us to explore. The hall and the kitchen are probably the only best parts of this building, a lot of the climbing frames seemed dangerous to climb but we did it anyways but got off once we had a loud bang and it started to shake. The Kitchen has clearly been scraped but had some of the machines still left behind. We didn't stay in this building long as I started to get a cough which got progressively worse as we was inside.

Whilst exploring I counted a total of 5 supposedly working sensors (1 in the first room you enter, 1 in the room next to the first room, 1 in the corridor that leads down to the classrooms and 2 sensors in the classroom that's at the far right of the building). The main building does not have any sensors so you should be fine in there (expect for the black mold which is everywhere).

(Here are a few photos of the explore):

Front building
(power is on but no running water)


The Kitchen (Still in decent condition but the ceiling is covered in black mold)


Downstairs Classrooms (Both are empty but still have a sink in each of the rooms with washing up liquids in the cupboards)

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The Computer Area (This has been destroyed by the ceiling caving in but its great to know what was once there)


Security Hut (Heaters, paperwork, first aid equipment, fridge, kettle, computers, hoovers, kids clothes and pillows)


Security Hut #2 (The kids shoe in the middle of the floor, pillows, clothes on the chair and in the cupboard and the writing on the wall says "Keep this room as tidy as you came to meet it please")


The Main Building


The Playground


Rooftop to the Main Building


The Hall

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The Kitchen
(Everything has been pretty much scraped and has been left in a complete state)


I found two Mosaics surprisingly in very good condition, everything else had been destroyed by vandalism or natural decay but this mosaic was left un-touched.

I have heard that you guys aren't too keen on YouTube videos but it goes along well with my description of "The Explore" so if you don't mind checking it out that would be very much appreciated.


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