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Ex Cheshire council offices, Northwich, March 2019 | Other Sites |

Ex Cheshire council offices, Northwich, March 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
History: There isn’t too much history on this place as it’s just your average joe office building. Build sometime in the 1960’s and used until 2011 (from what I could gather). It has stood empty since and has now been purchased to build a retirement complex for the elderly. The place was one of the head offices for Cheshire council (now moved to sandbatch I believe) and was also used for the register of births, deaths and marriages.

The explore; explored this place on the back of @urbanchemist ’s recent post. Thank you for the heads up, appreciated. Explored with 3 friends, it is on the main ring road in northwich and very public however at night Northwich isn’t exactly a busy area. Do be careful of torches and noise as their is a police station a few yards away. The access wasn’t too hard, however we did notice in one of the first rooms a sleeping bag and belongings so I think homeless people might be using the place although we saw no one please be careful if you go alone.

There’s a little decay, typical office building the odd bit of memorabilia left but nothing too interesting. Just a general chilled explore, you can see most of northwich from the top floor windows which is really cool at night. There is a building attached via a walk way on the 1st floor and also a reattached building which I believe was an adult day care centre, however we did not look in those buildings.

Please bare in mind this is a very short report as the building doesn’t have too much history or too much to document. And please excuse the photos as it was an unplanned night explore, enjoy!










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