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Report - Fairytale Boot - Isle Of Wight - 10/20

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LSUrbex Exploration

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fairytale Boot

I’ve heard so many different stories on this location.
Being part of a holiday camp and falling from the cliff edge, being built back in the 50s for the children in the area and also an old resort being on the premises and the boot was the only remaining feature.

This Fairytale Boot seemed impossible, having to slide down steep cliffs and make our way through the woods and climbing through the undercliffe, we finally come across it with some help from a local friend!
Different to the usual abandoned locations but fascinating, I have no idea how long it’s been derelict or if it’s ever been lived in but it’s beautiful! The amount of time and effort it took to find it was definitely worth it.







Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
If that's where I think it is, then that part was still in use 20 years ago when the kids were small........

I remember seeing a boot house on the isle About 30 years ago I’m sure it was at Black Gang chine.
Searching for old pics does indeed show a boot but it was slightly different.........large port holes as lace holes and a door at the front of boot


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I remember seeing a boot house on the isle About 30 years ago I’m sure it was at Black Gang chine.
Searching for old pics does indeed show a boot but it was slightly different.........large port holes as lace holes and a door at the front of boot

Here is a photo of the Black Gang Chine boot, it's very different.


Lolza Explores
28DL Full Member
Yes it’s definitely not Blackgang’s boot as that is still at the park, potentially made by same company though, who knows. This one is in someone’s private back garden and I’ve heard that they are very vigilant and do not like the fact that people are frequently trespassing on their land to get to this boot. I wouldn’t mind going to it next time I’m down in that area mind you. It looks interesting. Did you see the castle play area next to it too?

LSUrbex Exploration

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes it’s definitely not Blackgang’s boot as that is still at the park, potentially made by same company though, who knows. This one is in someone’s private back garden and I’ve heard that they are very vigilant and do not like the fact that people are frequently trespassing on their land to get to this boot. I wouldn’t mind going to it next time I’m down in that area mind you. It looks interesting. Did you see the castle play area next to it too?
I was told about the castle next to it but didn’t get to see it! Fortunately we didn’t get caught going out the main entrance and past the houses :)


28DL Member
28DL Member
This was the one at BGC once upon a time wasn’t it? I’ve been wanting to go see this but my boyfriend doesn’t want to because it’s dangerous and I wouldn’t go alone! I’m glad it’s still holding up

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