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Report - - Farleigh down tunnel-Wiltshire- may 2022 | Underground Sites |

Report - Farleigh down tunnel-Wiltshire- may 2022

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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
After seeing so many people doing tunnels on here thought I would give it a try and here are the results .


This place has been shown many times before so history is already on the site but here is a link .

If I copied And pasted it you lot would be bored to death !

Some beautiful gears pulled this ammunition around.

Heading inbye just shows how nature is reclaiming this place

Looking outbye a nice incline

Their was some original blast doors but their knackered this whole area of storage is destroyed so it's a shame . Let’s presss on !

The incline out begins

So it’s mainly full of cart type items and rollers .

Bigger rollers and a coupling

This is showing how the ammunition was pulled out

Half way point had hand leavers for gears .
After this it’s just the same all the way to the very end and would get boring to show you it . The end is a dead end looks like their could be a nasty crawl out through some awful metal I didn’t fancy trying it in shorts and trainers .

time to leave .

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really nice that, better than my report.
Answered the question if it's sealed/demolished shame it took someone from 109mike away to fine out lol

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Really nice that, better than my report.
Answered the question if it's sealed/demolished shame it took someone from 109mike away to fine out lol
If you want summit doing do it yourself mate ! I dig out mines 193 miles from my house haha ! Their only a old iPhone photo ent nothing special

Ya Boy Croy

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pretty interesting! This was on my list to explore in the next month or so, seeing recent pictures is a great help as there was rumours going around it was demolished/boarded up!

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