After seeing so many people doing tunnels on here thought I would give it a try and here are the results .
This place has been shown many times before so history is already on the site but here is a link .
If I copied And pasted it you lot would be bored to death !
Some beautiful gears pulled this ammunition around.
Heading inbye just shows how nature is reclaiming this place
Looking outbye a nice incline
Their was some original blast doors but their knackered this whole area of storage is destroyed so it's a shame . Let’s presss on !
The incline out begins
So it’s mainly full of cart type items and rollers .
Bigger rollers and a coupling
This is showing how the ammunition was pulled out
Half way point had hand leavers for gears .
After this it’s just the same all the way to the very end and would get boring to show you it . The end is a dead end looks like their could be a nasty crawl out through some awful metal I didn’t fancy trying it in shorts and trainers .
time to leave .
This place has been shown many times before so history is already on the site but here is a link .
Farleigh Down Tunnel – Subterranea Britannica
Subterranea Britannica is a society devoted to the study and investigation of man-made (including Nuclear Bunkers) and man-used underground places.
If I copied And pasted it you lot would be bored to death !
Some beautiful gears pulled this ammunition around.
Heading inbye just shows how nature is reclaiming this place
Looking outbye a nice incline
Their was some original blast doors but their knackered this whole area of storage is destroyed so it's a shame . Let’s presss on !
The incline out begins
So it’s mainly full of cart type items and rollers .
Bigger rollers and a coupling
This is showing how the ammunition was pulled out
Half way point had hand leavers for gears .
After this it’s just the same all the way to the very end and would get boring to show you it . The end is a dead end looks like their could be a nasty crawl out through some awful metal I didn’t fancy trying it in shorts and trainers .
time to leave .