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Report - - Farthingloe AA Battery, Dover. June 2024 | Military Sites |

Report - Farthingloe AA Battery, Dover. June 2024

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Urban Ginger Hog

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is a location I have explored many times but never taken too many photo's off. Feeling a wee bit bored and the need to get out for a long walk I chose this remote location for my next report. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, there isn't a quick and easy way to get to this one! I set off from the Western Heights area, taking in the scenery and splendor of the nearby infamous Citadel. Soon, I was on a flat pathway, which just a few months back had been clear and easy to walk through. It was now absolutely covered with brambles, hawthorns, etc. Pushing through and ducking under this horrible stuff, I was soon starting to collect more than a few cuts and scrapes! Realising I was at least half way there, I cursed myself for not turning back sooner and heading off to perhaps a more popular location, which doesn't have bloody brambles! Cursing and quietly chuckling away to myself, I prayed there would be an easier way back. Whilst in my own little bubble of annoyance, I quickly snapped out of it when a large fella came hurtling towards me in what was probably the only clearing. Instinct had kicked in, and I was already stepping to the side and raising my fists in a defensive position, ready to chin the turd! Within seconds he passed me at a pace, totally unaware that I had been about to defend myself to what I perceived was some lunatic about to jump me. Feeling like a prize prat, the chap who was merely out enjoying a jog, was soon out of sight. Carrying on along the path, I marveled at how the chap out jogging had simply ran into all the bushes, thorns, etc., without a care. As I approached closer to the Battery, the guy reappeared from a dense set of brambles, looking as bad as I now did. Voicing his displeasure at how bad the path had now become, he headed back off back the way he came. How he was running in and through that stuff will remain one of life's little mystery's. Finally reaching the Battery, it was as I feared. Although there had always been a fair bit of foliage at this site, this was now getting ridiculous. Taking a few photos with both my trusty D5500 and mobile phone, with the whole area in a very sorry state, I chose not to spend too long there. The only saving grace, was I found a slightly easier way out, but not by much. My advice to any explorer is if you really want to see this location and for some odd reason, its on your bucket list, but if not don't bother and save yourself multiple small cuts as well as the asthma attack!!

Situated to the west of the Citadel at Dover, this HAA site was built to house four 3.7" AA weapons. Originally there were four mobile guns sited here at the outbreak of WW2, but by 1941 they had been replaced by static units. Accommodation for the personnel was provided by six barrack huts and other buildings built slightly to the east of the gun site, and many foundations and wall remnants of these can be seen today. But the most impressive remains are, as you would expect, of the gun positions themselves - although suffering badly from the attentions of local yobs, the magazines retain their original WW2 tally boards for the ammunition and fuses. My limited research actually states this place was known as 'Great Farthingloe Heavy AA Battery' but I chose to go with the more commonly known name for it.

Now for a few pics, which clearly display how bad things have become here.


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Well, that's about it. Till next time, stay away from brambles and hawthorns folks!

Urban Ginger Hog signing off.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Well if it was on my bucket list, it sure isnt now lol. Psycho joggers and brambles, not my thing lol.
Nice set of snaps though. Glad you got there in one piece. 👍