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Report - - fistral bay hotel cornwall 5th december 2018 | Leisure Sites |

Report - fistral bay hotel cornwall 5th december 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Been here a few times now, probably my favourite explore n the area, was opened in 1912, has been shut for years, the current owners have recently been granted permission to turn it into flats but when they got it they immediately put it back up for sale with the planning permission included, the agents who are selling it have put up new fencing to try and keep people out,
The hotel is considered so dangerous the local police inspector has said in the past he will not allow officers in there.
the hotel is completely pitch black in the basement and ground floors so if you plan to go here make sure you bring a decent torch and camera with flash, also the floor has collapsed in many places, which seems to be getting worse each time i come



















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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Strewth @kernow84 you did a proper job on exploring that but you have to be so careful don't you because that is pretty dangerous looking, looks like most of the floors are missing even, that central staircase feature would have been quite something though. Love your picture of the pigeons flapping about, when I went here a pigeon flew out a window making a right old noise and gave me a good fright, I looked inside the main entrance but never went any further, I heard there were people living in it but maybe even they have gone now, haven't seen this on here before, nice update on it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Strewth @kernow84 you did a proper job on exploring that but you have to be so careful don't you because that is pretty dangerous looking, looks like most of the floors are missing even, that central staircase feature would have been quite something though. Love your picture of the pigeons flapping about, when I went here a pigeon flew out a window making a right old noise and gave me a good fright, I looked inside the main entrance but never went any further, I heard there were people living in it but maybe even they have gone now, haven't seen this on here before, nice update on it
i have been a few times before so know my way around, it is good fun but pretty spooky going by yourself lol!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Blimey, that place just get's rapidly worserer, even the plastic plants in the foyer seem to have gone!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sorry for the bump but is this still standing? I would expect it has been knocked down now?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
they have been trying to demolish it for years, there is a locals group trying to buy it to restore it, good luck to them but this place is far to gone for any restoration attempt, great explore tho.

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