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Report - Former High School, Felixstowe, Suffolk

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello everybody.

We decided to swing by this site, as it has a bit of personal history for me. I actually went to school here for a few years in the 90s.

Deben High School, as I knew it, was built as a grammar school in the 1930s, and educated teenagers for around eighty years before its closure in 2011. I believe it spent a couple of years as an international college, before maintenance was not kept up and the building became unsuitable. The site is now to become housing. There was talk of using the main building, but this turned out not to be practical as the building is so circuitous and most of the spaces are only one room deep.

I was surprised at how little I remembered about the rooms. Some of the pictures aren't great due to lighting and trying to be as quick as possible.

A Classroom. Most of the building is gutted at this point.


Stairs. These were not yellow last time I was here.


Student Reception

Looking forwards from here, to the left is the dinner hall, to the left is the kitchen / area we'd queue up.


The kitchen

This is where the bad kids were stored.

This area was completely dark, and we forgot to bring torches. Just had to use our phones, which cannot be a torch and a camera at the same time for some reason.

This is the dinner hall. It may have had other uses like the occasional PE lesson. There used to be a Coca Cola vending machine at the far end which would take glued together pennies, and give you change for a quid. Naughty. That got fixed.


This is my old form room. Mr Spiers was my form teacher for a couple of years, top bloke. He taught me how to tie a tie properly. He also did fun experiments with a group of on lunchtimes. Gunpowder, thermite, that sort of thing.


I can remember once the form room smelled of almonds for days. Apparently Mr Spiers was teaching the sixth formers to make some kind of toluene based substance in this fume hood. It would not surprise me if it was of the "tri-nitro" version knowing him.

Here is the old prep room between the two science labs which we were never allowed in. Ha!


The other science lab.

You are here

Clearly abandoned for a while

We took heed.

I think this is just stick on, but thought it was neat.

I believe this was an old art room, it's totally cleared out.

Mostly into the courtyards below.




I do not remember this level at all, it was intriguing, but we couldn't get up to have a look


More empty classrooms and messy courtyards



I believe this was my old German classroom, with Ms Saiko. She kind of leaned into the name. I like the old windows.


The building on the left is the dinner hall.



Some lockers. We did not have these when I was here. I had a massive gym bag for all my stuff.

I have hit the max images in a post, so I'll make this the end.

It was fun to see the place one last time, and to point out to my friend some of the event that happened and where.

Deben High School

I hope you enjoyed that little jaunt. See you next time.


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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice that. Mookster give me the heads up on this to check out quite a while ago. And I forgot and never did ha ha. That hall is lovely.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely report, especially given all the memories you had with the variuos room. Fab stuff...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Caught the hall lovely. Nice to have a personal connection to a place :cool:


Interestingly about the hall, and this is another thing I did not notice whilst at school there (at least to my recollection) is those windows up there at the back. Here they are from the other side.

They must have been boarded up, otherwise we would have definitely thrown stuff from them. Kind of kicking myself for not opening them the other day, or at least getting a photo from the scratched up bits.

What can I say, it was a bit of a rush job, and we had a lot of ground to cover.

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