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Report - - Fort Burgoyne - Dover - November 2012 | Military Sites |

Report - Fort Burgoyne - Dover - November 2012

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28DL Full Member
Visited with The126

It was poring with rain and freezing cold so we decided to go for a wander on the hills surrounding Dover:rolleyes:

Fort Burgoyne is one of the Palmerston forts built around Dover in the 1860's. This site was used and added to in WW2 with pillboxes and gun emplacements. The two Wing Batteries are littered with slit trenches and mortar emplacements from the same era.

The fort overlooks Dover Castle and covers a weak spot in the defence of Dover. It's built in similar style to the other forts with a large ditch surrounding a polygonal structure. It has a double caponnier which we couldn't get access to and three more smaller caponniers.

We managed to see both the Wing Batteries and a large portion of the main site before running into one man and his dog and having to join him in a game of hide and seek.

Surrounding Ditch

They were shorter back then.


Inside one of the caponniers.




Gun port with rings for holding the guns.

Other features




Last ammo box

Soil samples??




Need to go back, still more to see.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This place has changed a lot since then! It's in use again now, being refurbished for use by businesses and the grassy areas around the fort are now being managed for wildflowers, insects, etc. Apparently there are also 8 species of bats using the tunnels for roosting and hibernating, and swarming nearby in the summer too - as a result visits to the tunnels are not allowed for much of the year now, as it would disturb the bats. I was fortunate to join a guided tour there recently, and took a few photos so you can see how the place has changed.

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This one was intriguing - the concrete was formed around a tree for some reason, perhaps it gave camouflage to a pillbox? The tree's long gone now, leave the impression of its branches
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This is one of the rooms that's been refurbished for potential business use.
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This one is thought to have been used as a nursery for children of military families living there at some point.
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Down into the tunnels...
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This place has changed a lot since then! It's in use again now, being refurbished for use by businesses and the grassy areas around the fort are now being managed for wildflowers, insects, etc. Apparently there are also 8 species of bats using the tunnels for roosting and hibernating, and swarming nearby in the summer too - as a result visits to the tunnels are not allowed for much of the year now, as it would disturb the bats. I was fortunate to join a guided tour there recently, and took a few photos so you can see how the place has changed.

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This one was intriguing - the concrete was formed around a tree for some reason, perhaps it gave camouflage to a pillbox? The tree's long gone now, leave the impression of its branches
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This is one of the rooms that's been refurbished for potential business use.
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This one is thought to have been used as a nursery for children of military families living there at some point.
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Down into the tunnels...
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Imagine going on tours 😜





28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Imagine going on tours 😜
😂 Yeah I know... We were primarily there to learn about the work done to improve biodiversity on the site, and the walk through the buildings was to see some rare spiders and where the bats roost. But I figured some photos would be interesting for people here anyway.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
😂 Yeah I know... We were primarily there to learn about the work done to improve biodiversity on the site, and the walk through the buildings was to see some rare spiders and where the bats roost. But I figured some photos would be interesting for people here anyway.
Nah that’s fair enough! It’s got some lovely wildlife👌 Not a bad place to enjoy the hear with a cider or 2 in Summer:D