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Report - - Gaewern Slate Mine North Wales - August 2022 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Gaewern Slate Mine North Wales - August 2022

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Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
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Gaewern slate mine is a place that has been on the list for a while but seeing pictures of the place i noticed it getting worse as time went on and just kept it on the back burner until one sunny 'ol august day i headed down to Corris for the day to have a poke and see some other bits nearby.

Theres not much regarding the history of the place i could find apart from the mine opening around 1820 and working with neighboring mines in the area to link an incline tramway, then shutting in 1971.

First thing i noticed was how the once gaping hole that illuminated the flooded chamber below is now just a small hole only a few feet wide, looks asif this hole has been shortened purposely maybe to deter people from entering perhaps?, once through the annoyingly slightly over wellie deep adit entrance and down the sketchy climb (aided by the finest of insitu bail twine abseiling rope and a bit of hose) your into what ide call 'graffiti goon chamber''.

The Mine is a lot smaller than i was led to believe judging by reports ide seen, as once the short climb was tackled your into the flooded chamber or 'Cav3Rn 0f L03T $oUls' as its been called and theres not much else.

There are decent photos of this place with sunlight flooding the chamber and a bright blue car shining through, The current state of the place is more like where rubber dinghies go to die, this along with all the sh1t left behind makes me regret not going before some guy claimed to have found king Arthurs sword and the place was trashed.

The day was made better as i got to see a low flying fighter jet go over head unaware we were in the mach loop as at first i thought russia was kicking off and got to see some other intersting places close by.















