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Report - Gafnan Corn Mill, Anglesey : April 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Gafnan Corn Mill

Gafnan Corn Mill is a beautiful two storey, grade two listed building nestled on the Welsh coast.
Constructed around the early 19th century, its four walls still contain period machinery, all in near immaculate condition. The internal gears are in very good condition, however the external wheel is pretty much all rotten away, only small pieces of it remain.
Being as it was constructed in the early 19th century, its design is very basic. Walls made out of rubble and stones with a slate roof partially grouted together to keep the weather out.
The doors are of wooden construction.
The main building was easily accessible, but the small mill storage room attached was sealed shut, so it's unknown what secrets it holds!

The mill was powered by the river Afon Gafnan which was deliberately rerouted so it could pass through the mill. The river was controlled by a sluice gate, I'm not sure if the sluice gate is still present as I couldn't find it.
The mill was listed on the 27th November 2000, and is currently owned by The National Trust. I'm not sure if it's being restored or not, as I couldn't believe how good a condition it was in.
Not much more to say about this little place. Its location was fantastic. Nice walk down to it, a load of rock pools nearby, pretty river flowing through into the sea, and a good view of the now decommissioned Wylfa Nuclear Power Station in the distance. Perfect.














Regular User
Not being restored and there are no plans to do so. The National Taxdodgers have in the past opened it to the public occasioanlly.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great photos, when I went back in August 23 the doors we sealed which was a shame, but it's such a gorgeous building with a beautiful walk to it.

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