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Report - - George Barnsley & Son's Ltd, Sheffield - June 2022 | Industrial Sites |

Report - George Barnsley & Son's Ltd, Sheffield - June 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
I’m aware this has been visited and posted numerous times on the forum, but this is a much-loved site amongst the community so I thought it would be worth sharing my stance on the place, albeit a bit late to the party.

Founded in 1836, George Barnsley & Sons Ltd manufactured forged filing and cutting tools for leather workers and shoemakers. An old listing in the Sheffield directory from 1837 describes GB's as a file manufacturer situated on Wheeldon Street. Later, the works later moved to Cornish Street. The new, presumably larger site, enabled George Barnsley’s to expand its product range, introducing butcher knives in addition to steel and shoe files.

The business was converted to a limited company around a decade prior to Barnsley's death and the works closed in 2004. The site also has a bit of history, it suffered from damage during WW2, and three men died from trying to loosen up a cable on the site causing a chimney to collapse.

The closure of the works was inevitable thanks to a number of technological advancements in the industry that we're able to replicate operations at a considerably more efficient rate, which brought trouble for George Barnsley’s.

I found so much history on this place and I could write for hours, but it's been covered hundreds of times on 28DL and other forums so I won't expand further. For more information, it’s well worth a Google or a look at other reports here as it was really interesting to learn about the business.

The Explore
This was easily one of my favourite places I've explored in my 8 years of Urbex. As other members have mentioned, it really is a time-warp and the retro style of the place easily made for some excellent photos and an interesting visit. The entry itself was easy, and it was very chilled out with no trouble. We did hear some people upstairs whilst we were on the ground floor but we didn't actually see them.

Entry comes and goes for this place so I'm told, but I'd highly recommend giving it a go, as there aren't many places like this left now!

As it is a fairly substantial site, I'll be including more than the recommended max of 15 photos for this one, but I think it is justified. Thanks for reading and enjoy the photos!

Oh - and thanks to @Mikeymutt for providing some tips for entrance etc - even though myself and @V50jake didn’t follow them properly the first time and got confused haha.






























28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great report cracking place captured well

Come out great mate. It's a place everyone should see once. Well least you got in eventually.
Definitely mate, agreed. Got there in the end haha! Been such a successful year so far.

Nice set of pics. Us locals get a little blasse about this place but it still is a really nice explore...
Haha yeah I get that. We don't get many (if any) places like this in East Anglia so I really enjoyed it personally. Had a lot of good luck on this day, went to Cannon around the corner afterwards aswell.

Still some nice shots to be had.
For sure, what surprised me was how good condition it was considering how long it had been disused. The floors upstairs ain't great though.

Still so good
Definitely worth a look for anyone who hasn't been!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great to see the place again hasnt changed that much really considering. I thought this place had been sold and work was taking place etc still a cracking report and thanks for the update.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That is a beauty. How come that spiral staircase is still there?
Unsure, little has happened with the site since its closure. The majority of stuff has been left behind for all these years.

Great to see the place again hasn't changed that much really considering. I thought this place had been sold and work was taking place etc still a cracking report and thanks for the update.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm surprised by how well it's fared over the years, particularly given the central location. Not sure if it's been sold but no work is taking place currently.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Hell! These photos make mine look like wank. Might have to revisit and try again!
Cheers! Nothing wrong with your pics, 1 or 2 were a bit noisy but nothing a bit of Lightroom magic can't fix ;)

I'd be well up for a revisit at some point though.

Great shots, the edits really work for this :thumb
Thanks a lot! I was pleased with how they came out.

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