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Report - George Henry Lee department store Liverpool-July 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I was on the roof of the ABC/Cannon Cinema with some friends doing an explore of the site I recognized the building from something I read online a few month back anyway we headed down and walked towards it and by our surprise the side door was unlocked. You walk straight into a set of stairs which would have been the main entrance I assume. After walking around all the floors it looked like over the past 21 years by some miracle it hadn't been vandalized at all and was no sign of people entering the building. Very little weather damage to the building mainly just paint curling of the walls and the occasional drop of water from the roof. It is unbelievable how preserved this building is and I believe they have plans to turn it into a hotel and a casino.

This department store was built in 1853, it was the second oldest store in liverpool and originally started out as a bonnet store and had huge success and was sold to John Lewis in 1940 and the store quickly grew in popularity and was sadly closed in 2002 after a slow decline since the late 1980s.
John Lewis relocated to Liverpool One around 2008. The building is located on Houghton st now across from St Johns and Williamson Square and TK max was once connected too but now separated. The ground floor is now occupied by pound land while the rest of the floors are left frozen in time.












28DL Member
28DL Member
It didn’t close in 2002. They decided to remove the George Henry Lee signage in 2002. The interior of the building also had a big refurbishment in 2002. The building was still open and traded under John Lewis until May 2008.

Different parts of the building interior were implemented at different times. The cafe on the second floor by the atrium was only created in 2011, when Rapid took over. Poundland opened on the ground floor in 2012. Rapid actually also had the space where Poundland was, before Poundland moved in. The 2002 refurbishment included the standalone express lift, the wheelchair/pram lift on the third floor, the flooring, some of the wall panelling and also the toilets on the third floor. Most of everything else dates back to the 20th century.
Most of the building was still in use until 2017, when Rapid shut down. Except from the floors above the third floor, the highest floors became abandoned years before.
However, the building hasn’t been fully maintained since John Lewis left in 2008.

It’s a shame that no one is able to show the other side above TKMaxx which was also part of George Henry Lee/John Lewis until 2008. Hardly any pictures of that side of the building online. There’s more areas of that other building which I remember, yet there’s no images of those other areas I remember.
I’ll probably have to recreate the whole store the way it was in the 2000’s, on CAD. That way people will be able to truly appreciate the building for the way it was.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It didn’t close in 2002. They decided to remove the George Henry Lee signage in 2002. The interior of the building also had a big refurbishment in 2002. The building was still open and traded under John Lewis until May 2008.

Different parts of the building interior were implemented at different times. The cafe on the second floor by the atrium was only created in 2011, when Rapid took over. Poundland opened on the ground floor in 2012. Rapid actually also had the space where Poundland was, before Poundland moved in. The 2002 refurbishment included the standalone express lift, the wheelchair/pram lift on the third floor, the flooring, some of the wall panelling and also the toilets on the third floor. Most of everything else dates back to the 20th century.
Most of the building was still in use until 2017, when Rapid shut down. Except from the floors above the third floor, the highest floors became abandoned years before.
However, the building hasn’t been fully maintained since John Lewis left in 2008.

It’s a shame that no one is able to show the other side above TKMaxx which was also part of George Henry Lee/John Lewis until 2008. Hardly any pictures of that side of the building online. There’s more areas of that other building which I remember, yet there’s no images of those other areas I remember.
I’ll probably have to recreate the whole store the way it was in the 2000’s, on CAD. That way people will be able to truly appreciate the building for the way it was.
Interesting didin know a lot of that i think the reason why there isnt much of the tk max bit is because where the buildings look like they connect there are like stairs or walkways with cinderblocks in the wall seperating the two buildings


28DL Member
28DL Member

Interesting didin know a lot of that i think the reason why there isnt much of the tk max bit is because where the buildings look like they connect there are like stairs or walkways with cinderblocks in the wall seperating the two buildings
That’s right. Plus it’s secured off from ground level as well. Rumour has it that TKMaxx colleagues can’t access the floors above their store either. They say it’s because there is apparently a locked gate in the stairwells preventing them from accessing the upper floors.
I’ve heard that the floors above TKMaxx are like a preserved time capsule from 2008. Which was the last time those upper floors were in use. I personally remember those upper floors very well from back in the 2000’s. If someone finds a way in then that would be great, but it’s gonna be very difficult.
The most notable areas on those upper floors above TKMaxx are the old cafe on the third floor and the customer service area on the fourth floor. Back from when John Lewis occupied the space.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It didn’t close in 2002. They decided to remove the George Henry Lee signage in 2002. The interior of the building also had a big refurbishment in 2002. The building was still open and traded under John Lewis until May 2008.

Different parts of the building interior were implemented at different times. The cafe on the second floor by the atrium was only created in 2011, when Rapid took over. Poundland opened on the ground floor in 2012. Rapid actually also had the space where Poundland was, before Poundland moved in. The 2002 refurbishment included the standalone express lift, the wheelchair/pram lift on the third floor, the flooring, some of the wall panelling and also the toilets on the third floor. Most of everything else dates back to the 20th century.
Most of the building was still in use until 2017, when Rapid shut down. Except from the floors above the third floor, the highest floors became abandoned years before.
However, the building hasn’t been fully maintained since John Lewis left in 2008.

It’s a shame that no one is able to show the other side above TKMaxx which was also part of George Henry Lee/John Lewis until 2008. Hardly any pictures of that side of the building online. There’s more areas of that other building which I remember, yet there’s no images of those other areas I remember.
I’ll probably have to recreate the whole store the way it was in the 2000’s, on CAD. That way people will be able to truly appreciate the building for the way it was.
Sorry is TK Maxx next door ? When I went here a few months ago I covered the whole building but there was a large hole on the wall bricked up was that the entrance into the other side ? Tk Max. Some lovely old parts on the upper floors.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Sorry is TK Maxx next door ? When I went here a few months ago I covered the whole building but there was a large hole on the wall bricked up was that the entrance into the other side ? Tk Max. Some lovely old parts on the upper floors.
So the TKMaxx is in the other building. The buildings were connected, however the link has been concealed. Are you saying there’s a hole that lets you through the link?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So the TKMaxx is in the other building. The buildings were connected, however the link has been concealed. Are you saying there’s a hole that lets you through the link?
No must have been what I saw. I think it was second floor a set of steps but clearly a breeze block wall leading into the next building.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That’s right. Plus it’s secured off from ground level as well. Rumour has it that TKMaxx colleagues can’t access the floors above their store either. They say it’s because there is apparently a locked gate in the stairwells preventing them from accessing the upper floors.
I’ve heard that the floors above TKMaxx are like a preserved time capsule from 2008. Which was the last time those upper floors were in use. I personally remember those upper floors very well from back in the 2000’s. If someone finds a way in then that would be great, but it’s gonna be very difficult.
The most notable areas on those upper floors above TKMaxx are the old cafe on the third floor and the customer service area on the fourth floor. Back from when John Lewis occupied the space.
Yes in this building theres a similar locked staircase connecting into the poundland but we managed to get into it through the basement so assuming it willcbe the same gate


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It didn’t close in 2002. They decided to remove the George Henry Lee signage in 2002. The interior of the building also had a big refurbishment in 2002. The building was still open and traded under John Lewis until May 2008.

Different parts of the building interior were implemented at different times. The cafe on the second floor by the atrium was only created in 2011, when Rapid took over. Poundland opened on the ground floor in 2012. Rapid actually also had the space where Poundland was, before Poundland moved in. The 2002 refurbishment included the standalone express lift, the wheelchair/pram lift on the third floor, the flooring, some of the wall panelling and also the toilets on the third floor. Most of everything else dates back to the 20th century.
Most of the building was still in use until 2017, when Rapid shut down. Except from the floors above the third floor, the highest floors became abandoned years before.
However, the building hasn’t been fully maintained since John Lewis left in 2008.

It’s a shame that no one is able to show the other side above TKMaxx which was also part of George Henry Lee/John Lewis until 2008. Hardly any pictures of that side of the building online. There’s more areas of that other building which I remember, yet there’s no images of those other areas I remember.
I’ll probably have to recreate the whole store the way it was in the 2000’s, on CAD. That way people will be able to truly appreciate the building for the way it was.
we are trying to get into TKmax soon

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