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Report - Gisleham Brickworks - Suffolk - Aug 22

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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Gisleham Brickworks


Not much to say about this place as its been covered plenty before other than its pleasantly surprising!
Only spent a quick half hour or so in here with my lad while we were down that way on a short break this year. On entering the yard you are greeted with the relatively uninteresting kilns.




From here we went into this equally uninteresting shed.



About now I was wondering if this place was actually worth the visit but coming through this shed, bam you are presented with the small but delightful remaining bit of machinery!
I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of it.











Thanks for looking.
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely covered. It's a nice place I think and the machinery is quite old. I would not say the kilns are uninteresting though, they are beautifully made inside and out with the stretching straps. I would say it's more Suffolk than Surrey though ;)

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely covered. It's a nice place I think and the machinery is quite old. I would not say the kilns are uninteresting though, they are beautifully made inside and out with the stretching straps. I would say it's more Suffolk than Surrey though ;)
Sorry I'll alter that lol

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Quite like this. I do enjoy the places that others don't do. They are relaxing wander, and bits like the machinery are always a bonus & photogenic. History can be hard to find though.
I've done a few like this, but cant find a history about the places. Cracking shot of that chimney, nice that :thumb

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Quite like this. I do enjoy the places that others don't do. They are relaxing wander, and bits like the machinery are always a bonus & photogenic. History can be hard to find though.
I've done a few like this, but cant find a history about the places. Cracking shot of that chimney, nice that :thumb

A local favourite this, been several times and still don't get bored of all that machinery in the main building. Proper oldy-worldy place.

Not to bad that. Nicely done mate
Thanks all


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely pics mate. Done this a couple of times myself as it is local to me. I wasn't expecting much the first time I visited but I was pleasantly surprised by that old machinery, really nice in there.

There isn't a great deal of history available for this place online but an old Geograph photo does have a description of the site/company with a bit of history if you're interested:

The company was founded as Gisleham Steam Brickworks in 1934 by Easey Bros., builders in Lowestoft. In the late 1940s there were 40 employees, in 1979 there were only 14. Re-named Gisleham Pipe and Brick Works Ltd., the plant began making agricultural field drain pipes in 1950 of which about 60 000 were made per week. Brickmaking ceased completely in 1967, with the exception of one special order of 20 000 red bricks in 1977. Red clay made only red bricks whereas yellow or red bricks could be produced from blue clay, the colour depending on the firing temperature. The bricks were then sandfaced by oscillating nozzles, 10 bricks at a time. As clay cannot be used once the frost has reached it, January and February were normally a maintenance period where no other work could be done.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That looks pretty decent! Very unassuming on satellite view too, wouldn't have thought there was so much there... Pity it's a very long way from home :lol

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks like an interesting place to visit. I like seeing all the old machinery and tracks.
Thanks, yeah it was right up my street tbh.
Lovely pics mate. Done this a couple of times myself as it is local to me. I wasn't expecting much the first time I visited but I was pleasantly surprised by that old machinery, really nice in there.

There isn't a great deal of history available for this place online but an old Geograph photo does have a description of the site/company with a bit of history if you're interested:
Thanks, I didn't spend too much time looking for history as I know it's been done a few times.
That looks pretty decent! Very unassuming on satellite view too, wouldn't have thought there was so much there... Pity it's a very long way from home :lol
Well u can easily make a weekend up round Norfolk / Suffolk

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