Thirteen Million Bowls of Cornflakes (shouldn’t they be using metric..?)
Yep. We’ll ‘av that.
I checked it periodically for the next couple of months waiting for a night when they’d stop work, and one day, as if by magic, they’d downed tools and courteously built a massive staircase down into the 35m primary shaft.
“….You busy Friday?”
“….You busy Friday?”
I was rather pleased with the results of this. The TBM, Gloria, was at right angles at the end of the first tunnel, about to begin boring the second stage into the last shaft by the roundabout on Europa Way. Pretty lucky tbh, as a week later, after Gone, Tweek and L went back, the stairs had gone and they were working proper shifts again.
I then kind of forgot about it, only having the screening chamber in the back of my mind for a casual revisit for a chilled night, when morse decided he’d come pay us a visit and wanted a gander. I wasn’t busy and quite fancied a night out so happily obliged. The site was quiet, but there were no stairs this time. We’d have to faff about with the ropes..
Down we go then.
I think we got even luckier this time. I’d been checking most days and they’d been working every night apart from the Sunday we went, and when we got to the end of the tunnel, it became pretty clear why. They’d broken through, and Gloria was on its blocks, ready to be lifted out and taken back to Murphy Tunneling Co for a holiday. Stoked we got this.
Anyway, bitch of a jumar out and we were off into the night, happy as you like.
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