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Report (Permission Visit) - Goodmayes Hospital, London 2009 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report (Permission Visit) Goodmayes Hospital, London 2009

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Torch Wavker
Regular User
Another one from the archive trawl from back in 2009 when I went on a little spree of asking for visits to old Asylums that were still open; it worked on three occasions before I got bored and did other things. I never posted this to here as I was not a member of 28dl at the time. Goodmayes was the second Asylum I was shown around by the PR and engineering management. At the time, they had only just begun to open up the modern Psychiatric units next door and the main building was still largely in use, either as dementia wards, offices or training units. If I remember correctly, the laundry and engineering services were in use by the adjacent General Hospital. We spent the morning being shown around by the PR team who spent time showing us selected wards and areas etc; the afternoon saw the head of engineering, who happily showed us more than we were meant to be shown; namely the hall and projector rooms that had been off limits to staff and patients for decades. He was full of old tales as he worked at the hospital since his apprenticeship.

Unfortunately, the buildings are not listed as EH considered the proximity to Claybury to be detrimental as there is already an very good example preserved. Boo.

Short History:

Before the creation of West Ham of a borough in 1886, the county paupers within the West Ham area were sent to the Essex County Asylum in Brentwood. One West Ham had become a borough it was immediately decide by the council to construct their own Asylum as they did not feel that the County Asylum should be used. Although this would take them twelve years to do so. The council sought the purchase of the land at Blue House Farm on the outskirts of Ilford for £8,835 and immediately put into the motion the planning of their Asylum. To do this, they visited a number of Asylums around the country, both local and far afield, so that they would be able to provide the best possible facilities in their asylum.

Lewis Angell, the Borough Architect, was selected for the design of the Asylum for the council – this was to be his only Asylum. The Asylum was designed on a Compact Arrow layout with a south facing aspect and were constructed from red brick with white lintels on the windows – at the time the layout was described as the pavilion system. The foundation stone was laid by Alderman William Ivey on the 3rd of August, 1898 and the construction taking three years to complete, with the first patients being admitted on the 6th of August 1901. During the construction of the Asylum, the contractors, Leslie and Co, built a railway to the site in order to transport the construction materials to the grounds, with the line being brought down from the Great Eastern Railway. The asylum was designed to house 800 within 17 wards, 8 male wards housing 350 patients and 9 female wards holding 450 patients. The site also contained an administration block, main hall, central services and workshops and a typical water tower. The total cost of the design and construction was £338,633.

The Asylum chapel opened in 1902 and was built in the same style as the main buildings and was able to seat 600. Like the majority of the County Asylums, Goodmayes underwent a series of expansions. This started in 1907 with the addition of extra accommodation for staff. In 1925 the Hargreaves & Brown Farms were purchased to build 7 villas – 4 male & 3 Female, 4 new wards and a number of new accommodation buildings. At this time, the hospital also saw improvements to the Laundry, telephone system and heating & electrical wiring for the whole hospital. These upgrades saw the patient population to 1300 and cost the council a further £229,000. The hospital also saw the opening of an industrial therapy unit in the 50’s, at the same time the wards around the hospital were unlocked and opened up, with only two wards remaining locked – there are currently no locked wards within the hospital. The Asylum changed its name to West Ham Mental Hospital in 1918, 12 years before the 1930 Mental Health act dictated that the Asylum title be dropped.

During WW2 Goodmayes Hospital was in the direct line of the German Bombers heading over London and it was recorded that the estate was hit by a number of devices – 700 incendiary bombs, 22 high explosive bombs, 4 oil bombs, 1 parachute bomb, 2 V1’s and 3V2’s. The most extensive damage during the bombing occurred to Acacia when it was partly demolished by a bomb. WW2 also saw four wards being converted in an Emergency Base Hospital and records show that 8,000 patients were treated within.

During the 1990’s, the north of the site underwent a major regeneration – the villa blocks, mortuary and occupational health unit were demolished so that the District General Hospital could be built. The Goodmayes is still open as a mental health facility and serves the east of London and is currently undergoing a series of development to the south of the site to offer new, advanced facilities. The main building, constructed in 1901, is set to b
e developed into homes, although the plan is not set in stone yet and the future remains uncertain with wards and facilities slowly closing and remaining empty – the main hall as sat disused for decades.

A few photos:





The hall was hidden being a set of unassuming doors off the main corridor





Awesome mural within one of the clean corridors






It was very sterile compared to other Asylums had visited at the time, which probably explains why most of my photographs aren't that inspiring!

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Torch Wavker
Regular User
It's a stunning hall - they had restored a very small part of the roof with a heritage lottery grant, with the hope of it helping a listing application. EH rejected it due to the Claybury example :(


Torch Wavker
Regular User
I think its the best of all the halls, the roof had some weird repairs, you can see them if you have a look at the pics in my report of it :)

Your report is fanastic, i'd love to head back at some point! They did some patch works on the inside after they repaired a leak on the roof, they wanted more money to repair the plasterworks but the request was denied iirc

mockney reject

Staff member
Your report is fanastic, i'd love to head back at some point! They did some patch works on the inside after they repaired a leak on the roof, they wanted more money to repair the plasterworks but the request was denied iirc

Thank you :)

once this is over I'll go with you, its always been a favourite of mine


Nicht Normal
28DL Full Member
I'm glad you were able to get in - we got chased out by security in 2010 after getting into the corridors through a disused ward block.

Hate to be a pedant, but prior to West Ham Borough being formed, patients were sent to Brentwood (Warley) rather than Brentford.


Torch Wavker
Regular User
I'm glad you were able to get in - we got chased out by security in 2010 after getting into the corridors through a disused ward block.

Hate to be a pedant, but prior to West Ham Borough being formed, patients were sent to Brentwood (Warley) rather than Brentford.


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