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Report - Gore Brook Culverts - Manchester - 01/04/23

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The Devil Is in the Details
Regular User
Final Gore Brook Culverts
(explored with @Ojay and @MartyZero
I originally wasnt going to put all these photos into a report, purely because we hadnt taken enough on the day and we were in abit of a rush (4 culverts in one day eh!)

However looking back, it was impressive how many culverts we managed to get in one day, and how we maneged to even get a few shots!
Ive managed to get all photos together from that day to make somewhat of a decent report on the final 4 culverts on the Gore Brook/Platt Brook/Chorlton Brook, so lets get into it.

Supercharger B CSO
The last time we went to Supercharger we bailed after the falls due to the realization we would be walking for almost a mile to see basically nothing.
We agreed to return to check out the CSO on Work 11

We entered via the outfall of the culvert, got quite a few looks from people at the park LOL

Soon enough you came across a little envelope slot to crawl under which met you with an RCP
(heres a screenshot from a clip crawling out of it, to show how low it was)

Crawling in furry turdz 4 the win!

Screenshot 2023-09-02 182554.png

Then it was a short walk up some stoopy RCP to the CSO room.
(yet another shit screenshot, sorry!)
Screenshot 2023-09-02 182839.png

Turd stream enters through the right:

And exits out the left:

Surprisingly not much of a stinker :p

Gripper (Witches Tunnel)
Upon arrival we were shocked to see a whole bed down here, I suppose its quite homely with mild ambience of the Gore Brook! (and the odd bit of paraphernalia)

Snazzy shots at the outfall:

Then we went off up the culvert through a tighter brick arch, with the brook running in a nice brick trough!

As we reached the outfall we decided to get fancy and light some candles for various shots:


After that it was back out the outfall as the infall was grilled!

This culvert outfalls bang next to the Platt brook, therefore turning the Gore Brook into the Platt Brook for a short section through Fallowfield.

This culvert definitely does live up to its name, it was FULL of spiders all along the roof and walls, there must have been 10s of thousands of spiders!


This culvert also turned out to be the most longest and most boring culvert of probably the entirety of this brook, some parts had different roof styles and some parts were brick.
But for the most part, this is what you were walking through:

One interesting feature was this tributary joining, I had a go and going up but this is probably the slippiest culvert I have ever been in!

Some fancy shots..

Lovely reinforced roof and brick culvert, makes a change to concrete box!

Soon enough you made it to the outfall, through the ivy curtains (view from outside the culvert)

Same joblot screen (and ducks mating)

Lifted this penstock which caused a rather lovely foamy stream flow out all over my hands :rofl

Then it was back through to the outfall...

3 Phase

As the photo suggests, this culvert was a silty bastard to do.
Arriving at the outfall we were met with 2 brick culverts.
(at this point we are in the Chorlton Brook)

We headed off up the left hand culvert as the right hand was near impossible to traverse..
With every step the silt worsened and the air quality started to get abit dodgy..
(sewer pipe crossing overhead upstream)

Luckily, it started to even out and we even saw LOADS of fish, which is always great to see!

Then the 2 culverts meet up to make one large one, now there was no silt and it was a piss easy walk to the infall.

This screen was alot larger meaning I could fit through the bars and take a peak upstream:


There were various small outfalls just upstream from the infall.
One lead you to this stagnant pit of pond weed and silt..


One had a dead end:

Another was brick and went a very short way until it met with a small room, but I didnt manage to get into this one as it was too high to climb.
We were also aware of a brook called the Red Lion Brook joining through the right hand split of the culvert, we knew of where its infall is so we went to take a look.

It was only a short crawl up the culvert until you met with the Chorlton Brook, which as you may have expected was deep and silty.

This is also where I ripped my waders near the boot, I had only just flipping got the bastards!!
Oh well, pose infront of the infall and then it was to the final culvert.
(OOPS just hit 30 limit..!)
Epic transition from pt1 to pt2..​
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The Devil Is in the Details
Regular User

I was not a happy bunny at this moment..

3 Fail
Now there will not be any photos inside of this culvert as..
Screenshot 2023-09-02 181716.png

..Its completely flooded.
Supposedly it was never this bad, and you were able to get in via the outfall, but looking at it now it is some filthy stagnant deep water. The gap from the water
to the culvert roof was less than 3ft so not even a kayak or lilo (:rofl) could penetrate this.
There is a way in at the infall, but its too dodgy and it was beginning to get late, so we gave any attempt a miss.

2 small outfalls joined aswell, one looked ancient (see photo above)
Another was some RCP that we could have had a crawl up but gave it a pass because it looks slippy and boring as f00k.

After a long day of Gore brook shenanigans, it was now time for a well deserved meal at Wagamama (ya fancy cocks @Ojay @MartyZero )
Hope you enjoyed this lengthy report!
Peace out :thumb
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
good pics :thumb Have seen it all now bed in a drain 😂 hes more hardcore than us all lol


Staff member
You forgot we treated you to breakfast as well as Wagamama ya big long haired ponce!

That said, some decent pics and a good day out :thumb

You forgot to mention the optical illusion though with Martins pants, I'm fairly certain it will be covered (excuse the pun) one day :rofl

...Oh yeah, stop slamming car doors.


The Devil Is in the Details
Regular User
You forgot we treated you to breakfast as well as Wagamama ya big long haired ponce!

That said, some decent pics and a good day out :thumb

You forgot to mention the optical illusion though with Martins pants, I'm fairly certain it will be covered (excuse the pun) one day :rofl

...Oh yeah, stop slamming car doors.
tonight on unsolved mysterys, the pant optical illusion of gorton..

..roll em down!!


subterranean explorer
Regular User
nice photograph's, & report

I came across the last culvert by accident & managed to squeeze through the infall debris grill, but had no equipment so had to bail
as you've said deffo no way through the outfall but wouldnt mind seeing the merging of the 2 culverts in the middle.


Staff member
nice photograph's, & report

I came across the last culvert by accident & managed to squeeze through the infall debris grill, but had no equipment so had to bail
as you've said deffo no way through the outfall but wouldnt mind seeing the merging of the 2 culverts in the middle.

It's practically the same as the other


The Devil Is in the Details
Regular User
nice photograph's, & report

I came across the last culvert by accident & managed to squeeze through the infall debris grill, but had no equipment so had to bail
as you've said deffo no way through the outfall but wouldnt mind seeing the merging of the 2 culverts in the middle.
ask ojay, he will bring his lilo :rofl


28DL Member
28DL Member
i have personally ventured down the RCP featured in that last photo
and less than 50 metres down it turns into this
its pretty claustrophobic
however there is a decently big chamber just before it
