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Report - - Graffiti Academy, Barnet- 09/2020 | Other Sites |

Report - Graffiti Academy, Barnet- 09/2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have searched everywhere for the history of this site but I am unable to find much. In the local area they call it the graffiti academy as it was know to be an old police academy. Some source say it was just a police station, however, I can not be sure of this. The most information that I can find is about an illegal rave that took place here 2014, however, there is clear evidence that it has been used since. The pictures from the news artical about the rave show that the building was in the same state that it is now, this makes me think that it has been abandoned for quite some time.

My Day-
I went to this site with my partner and it was rather easy to find and access. To reach the building we had to walk down a rather long path which was nice. It was a peacefull walk there looking out onto the fields. We came to the Building from the back, and walked through to the top floor. There were stairs leading down to the ground floor and to the basement. The basement area was slightly flooded and I wasn't wearing the correct shoes so I decided to give it a miss, I plan on going back and I will make sure to wear better shoes! I didnt do much exploring around the grounds as I was on a time limit, but next time I will make sure to have a few hours spare so I can walk around and explore more. There clearly used to be stairs to the roof butthey have been partly removed, however, you can get to it through a hole in the celing. There isnt a lot to the building and it is clearls missing a lot of walls.
The entire building is covered in amature graffiti, tags and some good artwork. Almost every inch of the buiding has been spraypainted. I like the idea that it was once a place for police officers to train and is now a place for graffiti artists to train. I personally have never dont any graffiti as I am not very good at art and olny appreciate good graffiti.
This was a very good place to visit and I enjoyed the views of the building.
I'm sorry that I don't have much to write about this one, if anyone has any more information on this site I would love to know.


The front of the building, I didn't walk far enough way to get the whole bulding in.

There were no walls at the front of the building.

As you can see there was a lot of rubbish everywhere from people using it.

This is the inside of the building, as you can see there is a lot of graffiti.

From the inside out.


A side enterance to the building.

Stairs to te basement


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Queller of the uprising
Another nice report, just make sure you include only the month and year rather than exact date! It’s more to aid you as this site is known to be viewed by security and owners!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another nice report, just make sure you include only the month and year rather than exact date! It’s more to aid you as this site is known to be viewed by security and owners!
Thank you again !