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Report - - Grain Tower, Kent. (February, 2023) | Military Sites |

Report - Grain Tower, Kent. (February, 2023)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
This was my first exploration of an abandoned site, i was super excited. Went with a friend from my school art class as we wanted to get photos for our upcoming projects. I remember it being extremely muddy on the banks of the Medway trekking up to this place, but the rewards were outstanding. I made sure to bring my DSLR for the sexiest shots of this place.

Grain Tower was built in the 1850's in reponse to a French Naval threat, in order to protect Sheerness and Chatham from French Naval threats. The gun tower was designed to be accessed by land, but easily cut off by the extreme tides of the Medway River. Additions were made in the First and Second World War to accomodate for new artillery until it was decommissioned in 1956, and hasnt been touched by the British Navy ever since.

Only 5 shots remain of my original shoot, unfortunately my SD card got corrupted a few months after, but the ones that remain are thankfully the best i took!




