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Report - - Grampian Poultry Factory, Norfolk - July 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Grampian Poultry Factory, Norfolk - July 2019

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Happy Saturday everyone. This time last week and my friend decided to take a trip to one of my favourite places in the area, an old poultry factory located on the outskirts of a Norfolk town. This site has been abandoned which closed 11 years ago due to the reduction in demand for breaded poultry. I believe this was also a site which processed chicken for fast food chains including KFC and McDonald's.

I first visited this place in 2017, it has remained near enough the same each time. It is quite a popular place and has suffered some vandalism, which was made much worse recently as travelers took other the site for a period of time and it looks like they have stolen lots of scrap metal such as window frames and the handrails from the staircases. There is also now a lot rubbish on site.

It was a bit harder to gain entry to this site and since the travelers we're here the owner (presumably) has taken measures to secure the site after a spate of unwanted visitors and a couple of arson attacks, but luckily these are few and far between at this site. We had a very quick look round as we heard a group of people approaching which we're either travelers or kids. We didn't want to risk it though as I know of a group of explorers who came here recently and travelers chased them out with chainsaws.

I took a small collection of photos but not too many as we we're only on site for about 15 minutes or so, but regardless I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for looking!


Just hit this site a little while ago out video was uploaded on youtube this friday was a decent explore some of them freezer rooms are huge and some nice graffiti done this in the pitch black though Haha nice report man


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just hit this site a little while ago out video was uploaded on youtube this friday was a decent explore some of them freezer rooms are huge and some nice graffiti done this in the pitch black though Haha nice report man

Yeah mate it's a brilliant place been loads of times! Do you know who I am we met outside Town house in Norwich and went to that abandoned school!!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha, I worked there for a bit after I left school. Some of those shots bring back some memories!


General Nuisance
28DL Full Member
I did a couple of explores here, one at night... that one was very creepy. Site is huge and pretty entertaining to see it all, but there's no doubt it attracts some dodgy types. Sadly all the photos I took are way too dark to be of use, but you got some great pics there that give a good overall feel!

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