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Report - - Great Ancoats St/Chapeltown St Cranes | High Stuff |

Report - Great Ancoats St/Chapeltown St Cranes

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Chapeltown St/Great Ancoats St Cranes.


Goldlodge Properties Ltd.

Building work is underway to erect 4 buildings ranging from 4 to 25 storeys, (8.5m/20.9m/26.7m/74.9m) high respectively comprising 232residential apartments, with ground floor commercial floorspace (Use Class A1, A2 and B1), basement car parking and associated access and landscaping.

After an hour or so wandering around town on a recce for another 'Underground' project I hooked up with R Fizzle for a mooch around Ancoats.

I have wanted to hit up a crane for some time now so after Sarah Tower being a no go for tonight due to Seccas we decided to take a look at the 2 cranes near Great Ancoats amongst other things.

One Crane is around 75 ft the other around 100 ft, not the tallest I know but its a start...

So naturally we decided to hit the bigger of the two. After dodging the local prossies and some stoned guy walking his dog right buy as we

made our way into the site, we were soon up. This was potentially gonna be 'On Top' since BIGJOBS & Co abseiled it a few nights back and the rozzas turned up, and the fact it was a quite windy up here tonight I just took a few not so great piccy's and quickly climbed back down.









Thanks for looking :thumb


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