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Report - - Green Lodge Naturopathic Centre - Essex - October 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Green Lodge Naturopathic Centre - Essex - October 2020

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28DL Full Member

So... I am, very much struggling to find any history about this place. Nothing much about this one online and it seems its the case since I've seen a few other reports lacking history too, shame.

The Explore:

Explored this one with @Sprackles and this one was our first planned one for the day on our big urbex day out. One of the easiest accesses I think I've come across. Like a casual stroll through the park on a miserable day in October. We stumbled across a couple of outbuildings which are in serious tatters, burnt down, roofs falling through and building up with water etc. Still pretty cool to look at and wander around in however. Plus as we walked through we saw a huge group of deer running around within the woods. (As much as we tried we were not going to get close enough to sneak up for a cheeky photo, shame).

The main building was still pretty cool to walk around, listening to all of the water running and dripping through the roof. Although it got a little weird when we stumbled across two animal traps with cat food dumped inside of them and two fresh tins of this cat tuna food left next to them too. Which had definitely been set up the sometime that morning since my pal had explored this place quite late the night before and he said the traps were not there. We did see a little cat roaming around but he wouldn't come close to the building once he saw us walking around. Maybe someone from the active building next door is trying to catch their cat? who knows...
Was kind of amazed how open this place was just left. Some doors on the main building were boarded up then others are just wide open. Also would have been nice to see the pool, shame its covered over :(

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...














The animal traps. Both loaded with foods. Notice the blankets and two more tins of food behind this cage.


Thanks for having a look :thumb

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Wonder what they are trying to catch. Thanks for update on this place. I know others have had trouble with history.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Looks like it could have been a really nice building back in the day. The traps are definitely weird, imagine going at night and seeing that ;D.
Nice explore though, will have to check this one out myself soon! :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was there Monday 28th and didn’t see the traps but did see a poor rabbit dead, that appeared fresh.
Did you see the wild mother cat with her kittens that play in the house?
sorry for the gruesome pic!

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28DL Full Member
Looks like it could have been a really nice building back in the day. The traps are definitely weird, imagine going at night and seeing that ;D.
Nice explore though, will have to check this one out myself soon! :thumb
Yeah I thought that too. Seen better days now! It’s a decent little explore. Enjoy :p


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28DL Full Member
The traps are probably for the cat/kittens to get them out of the building, they're traps for removal nothing nefarious.
Aha yes thought so. Just at first glance was a bit weird haha. I did notice a cat roaming around lol


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28DL Full Member
I was there Monday 28th and didn’t see the traps but did see a poor rabbit dead, that appeared fresh.
Did you see the wild mother cat with her kittens that play in the house?
sorry for the gruesome pic!

Hahah no problem. Didn’t see the rabbit, did see the mother cat lurking around outside but she ran off the minute she saw us. Didn’t see her kittens however!

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