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Report - - Harry Webb's Motor Garage, Exeter, Devon January 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Harry Webb's Motor Garage, Exeter, Devon January 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Webb's Garage was a motor repair workshop situated on a suburban through road. It looks like it was built in the 1920s/30s but does not have any classic architectural features of the time. Harry Webb ran the garage from the 30s until the late 60s but his name seems to have stuck to it. It had once included a National petrol station (rememebr the yellow headed man with the winged helmet) but that had long since closed and the forecourt was more recently used to sell second hand cars, although the pump canopy remained in place.

I love old motoring memoribilia and I'd really hoped to find an unrestored E-Type Jag or something inside but no such luck and I had to make do with a pile of Haynes car repar manuals. On my visit the repair workshop appeared to be closed because the garage was pretty empty but there were still a few motors for sale out the front.

By chance I happened to go by again this week and the Heras fencing has gone up and there was a demolition man on the roof looking like he was wearing a space suit spraying the presumably asbestos roof tiles before taking them down.
















A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
I Just Don’t Have the Heart either My Pretty One to give The Best of Me. I’ll Lean on You instead, Whenever God Shines His Light on Some People and All I ask of You is that you Please Remember Me. Where do we go from here? I think The Only Way Out is to Suddenly Give a Little Bit More Dreamin When Two Worlds Drift Apart, Try a Smile and Don’t Turn the Light Out. I Can’t Ask Anymore From You except to Help it Along, Take Me High and not keep me Hanging On. I’m too busy with The Joy of Living, I Ain’t Got Time Anymore for Living in Harmony. I’m Gonna Throw Down a Line Early in the Morning, Don’t Forget to Catch Me and I’ll Come Running, in fact I’ll Love You Forever Today. Just Don’t take me In The Country and Tell Me it’s All Over because Time Drags By and I have Visions On The Beach that I’m The Only One. Or maybe It’s All in the Game for an Outsider Bachelor Boy with Lucky Lips. Next time when I’m Looking Out the Window, It’ll Be Me and I’ll ask Do You Want To Dance if you can Catch Me. A Voice in The Wilderness said Nine Times Out of Ten Gee Whizz it’s You. Look forward to your Congatulations.
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