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Report - - Heath Town Baths - Sept 21 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Heath Town Baths - Sept 21

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Heath Town Public Baths


Heath Town's structurally integrated Public Baths and Library - an architectural two-in-one the Librarian believed unique (CMB/WOL/D/LIB/128.6) - was built in 1932 to the design of the Wolverhampton Borough Engineer's Department, after several years' discussion in separate Council Committees, the Art Gallery and Public Library Committee and the Parks and Baths Committee.


The building has both architectural and social-historical importance locally, and architectural significance nationally; however the main swimming bath suffers a reportedly endemic leak, and the Council, after taking specialist engineering advice, intends to demolish the entire structure.


Just a mini report from here tbh, we were very rushed & it was pitch black by time we got out of here so here it is!
I actually missed a fair bit so a return may be on the cards one day.









Thanks For looking



Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
These older baths always had such nice roof structures to give lots of light onto the pool. They might be smaller but they still beat the “mega Olympic” pools of modern times if you ask me.

Great report

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Been a while since I have seen this pop up nice take on it
Thanks just picking ramnom folders to post, only 150 to go lol

Looks quite foreboding in twilight. Nice and atmospheric :thumb

Thanks I was pretty disappointed with pics from this one tbh

These older baths always had such nice roof structures to give lots of light onto the pool. They might be smaller but they still beat the “mega Olympic” pools of modern times if you ask me.

Great report
yes they are, I would of love to of seen moseley pool


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely done mate. Heard this and Margaret beavan school went up in flames the other day, not sure how badly this place suffered though

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely done mate. Heard this and Margaret beavan school went up in flames the other day, not sure how badly this place suffered though

No I haven't seen any pics of what's gone, but the main stairs & pannaling have gone.
Was inevitable I guess, the newer bit had fire years ago

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