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Report - Hever Caves

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Near Hever Castle under a mound is a rocky area that has had passages carved out of the rock

There are two entrances and at each entrance are doors made from stone with metal hinges and a metal wheel foot.
When closed they blend in with the surrounding rock to hide the entrance.

Also in the passage is a flat bench and electrical switches presumably for lights.
The fixings look similar to those found during world war 2.
But the caves are very isolated and so am unsure as to where the power would come from.

Local rumours say it was an underground hospital, but it is far too small and isolated.
It is more likely that it was used for hiding smuggled goods or built as a victorian folly.
But next to the caves is another small tunnel that heads for Hever Castle, its a tight crawl but the further down you go the more filled up with sand it becomes.
It has been said that there is a secret tunnel leading out of Hever Castle but nobody knew where it went, maybe this is it?

Pictures are just flash ones.

Two entrances

Passage continues

Wheel runner under door for support

Old electrical switch

Electrical wiring

Stone doors, still open and closed on metal hinges.

Bench carved out of stone


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and my friend are going to attempt the crawl space size tunnel on the left hand side of the main entrance it’s accessible on hands and knees the entrance is abit tight but we’ll try to drag more debris out so it’s easier to get in and out after 5m it’s soft dry sand 15-20m in there’s marker on the ceiling that says 15M then an arrow left so it’s been done before locals say it opens up into a carriage size tunnel will update ASAP


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
Nice one. Very strange I had read up on this place for the first time yesterday then just seen your report. Interesting place.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and my friend are going to attempt the crawl space size tunnel on the left hand side of the main entrance it’s accessible on hands and knees the entrance is abit tight but we’ll try to drag more debris out so it’s easier to get in and out after 5m it’s soft dry sand 15-20m in there’s marker on the ceiling that says 15M then an arrow left so it’s been done before locals say it opens up into a carriage size tunnel will update ASAP
Rumour has it, it was dug out as an escape tunnel for the castle. I've not been since August 2017, apparently, they've built an assault course inside those caves now, although I'm not sure how true that is...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Rumour has it, it was dug out as an escape tunnel for the castle. I've not been since August 2017, apparently, they've built an assault course inside those caves now, although I'm not sure how true that is...
I’ve heard this too and Yeah it has been dug out and there’s a commando course but they just pass through the main tunnels and it’s on set days of the year so it’s all good .


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So we ventured down it today, it’s very long and needs further excavation shouldn’t be too hard to get a bit farther trying to upload a video now ....
What's your insta or FB mate? I'd be up for getting involved aha


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Hardly mate, wandering around a few old caves in the woods won't effect anyone :thumb

What an absurd statement to make.

As a site of explorers we are all itching to get out and explore but most of us are obeying the rules and we're not spreading it around the countryside you're not supposed to be going to spots and exploring them you are allowed a minimum amount of exercise per day within your local area don't know how far away from this place is guy lives but driving out to somewhere to exercise is not allowed, even if its next door it's hardly a necessity to be out down caves.

I feel we all have at least a moral obligation to bring up the lockdown when people mention they are out exploring against government guidelines.

What happens if there's a cave in whilst a tunnel is being dug out for example, how many people is that going to bring into a little cave and put their lives at risk just because somebody felt that there's no reason they shouldn't be out walking in the woods. A slip and a broken ankle will clog up the nearest hospital. A call to the police removes them from more important duties, the list of reasons goes on.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Completely agree with scoob their I love the underground ,can’t stay above ground normally I really hate this lockdown got so many meets cancelled because of this shit because some 1 ate a poor penguin , the front line staff need to be doing their job in a hospital now ,you never no when a cave in might happen but now is not the time to be pulling people from their jobs that’s why we all need to follow this rule

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